Arts & Humanities

Arts Professor Emeritus Inducted Into Utah Music Educators Association Hall of Fame

By Whitney Schulte |

Leslie Timmons, Professor Emeritus in the Caine College of the Arts at USU, leads children in music instruction.

Writer and contact: Whitney Schulte,, 435-797-9203

Caine College of the Arts Professor Emeritus Inducted Into

Utah Music Educators Association Hall of Fame

LOGAN – Leslie Timmons, Professor Emeritus in the Caine College of the Arts at USU, was inducted into the Utah Music Educators Association Hall of Fame on Feb. 4.

UMEA is comprised of people who teach music at any level throughout the state of Utah. This group of educators forms the Utah chapter of the National Association of Music Educators. The state and national associations support music educators through in-service conferences, printed and online publications, in-person coaching and more. UMEA also works closely with the Utah High School Activities Association to host the many performance festivals for public high school music students statewide. The Hall of Fame Award is given by the UMEA to music educators whose careers have had a significant impact on the lives of students and teachers in our state.

“In Leslie Timmon’s case, she has been an outstanding music educator and advocate for music for children,” Paul Watson, UMEA Awards Chairperson, said. “As a professor, she has prepared countless elementary school teachers for their role in providing music and arts generally for the thousands of schoolchildren who would benefit thereby. She also provided a rigorous course of study for her graduate students, helping them master the pedagogical techniques of the Orff-Schulwerk curriculum for young children.”

Timmons had every intention of emulating a much-revered high school band director when she attended Michigan State University. Other mentors, such as flute professor Alexander Murray (MSU/London Symphony) and USU’s own Dr. Glen Fifield sparked a keen interest in how children acquire musicianship. As a Fulbright recipient to study at the Orff Institute/Mozarteum in Salzburg, she was immersed in the philosophy of Orff-Schulwerk, a teaching approach developed by Carol Orff and Gunild Keetman based on the nature of children to “play,” and the method would shape her career. Her first teaching job at an elementary school on the outskirts of London confirmed the need for ongoing professional development, which led to an inspiring relationship with Margaret Murray, the English translator of much of Orff’s work.

As professor in the USU Music Department, Leslie taught the flute studio and elementary music and has directed graduate-level Orff Teacher Education courses since 1988, serving hundreds of educators from several continents. As flutist with Logan Canyon Winds and the duo AireFare with clarinetist Nicholas Morrison, she developed opportunities for young musicians to perform with professional ensembles through conference presentations, residencies, touring and commissioning new works (including composers Libby Larson, Phillip Bimstein, Dennis Griffin, Philip Parker, Jay Richards, Valerie Coleman, Roger Zare, Thomas Rohrer and Jeff Scott). She has been the Orff specialist with Cache Children’s Choir for more than three decades. A passionate advocate for children’s music, she has served on the national boards of the American Orff-Schulwerk Association and the American Recorder Society, as well as UMEA, Utah Chapter of AOSA, and the Utah Flute Association. As Interim Director of USU’s Beverley Taylor Sorenson Elementary Arts Education Program, Leslie was inspired by leading educators across the state.

“It is remarkable that one person has had such a far-reaching influence for good in the lives of so many teachers and students,” Watson said. “Utah is proud to claim Leslie as our own. We thank her for her important work and for the kindness and friendship that she so freely shares.”

Leslie is thankful for the generous support that has sustained her work — the Marie Eccles Caine Foundation; Logan Rotary; After School Clubs; the Utah Arts Council; Utah State University; USU Extension; many colleagues, students and family members; and the valuable leadership of our Utah Music Educators Association.

Leslie joins other USU Hall of Fame members Max Dalby (2010), Al Wardle (2012), Glen Fifield (20120, Larry Smith (2015), and Ralph Matesky (2016).


Whitney Schulte
Public Relations Specialist
Caine College of the Arts


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