Arts & Humanities

USU Theater Students Continue Performance of Waiting for Lefty

By Kate Stewart |

Utah State University theater students will continue their second weekend of performing “Waiting for Lefty,” a play set in the 1930s, on Oct. 26, 27 and 28 at 7:30 p.m.

The performances will take place at the Caine Lyric Theatre and last approximately 70 minutes.

“Waiting for Lefty” is a portrayal about a New York cab driver’s union deciding to go on strike during the Great Depression. According to Michael Shipley, the director of the show, “each individual scene gives you a look into that person's life.”

Shipley said he hopes the audience will be able to empathize with the people on stage and what they're going through.

Richie Call, USU Theatre Interim Department Head, said no one is trying to convince anyone of one way of thinking over another — the play allows people to look at this historical situation by offering the perspectives of multiple characters.

“What we talked about as a cast is sort of highlighting the individual's hardships and the sort of unfairness of the management … and the humanity of these people that were going through [those circumstances],” Shipley said.

The USU theater students performing in “Waiting for Lefty” began preparing for this show at the beginning of the semester by rehearsing five nights a week for the duration of six weeks.

Shipley said the response to this play was “electric” as the audience felt like they were seeing a more accurate portrayal of themselves on stage for the very first time.

“We're pretty far removed from the 1930s now, but I hope that people who see the show now will be able to empathize with what these people are going through,” Shipley said.

Tickets for the play are free to all USU students and high school students in Logan. Tickets for seniors (65+), faculty, staff, and youth (13-17) are $10, and adults (18+) are $15. They can be purchased on this site.

The next production the USU Theatre Department is performing will be a musical version of “It’s a Wonderful Life,” based on the 1946 film. This will begin Dec. 1, 2023.


Kate Stewart
Public Relations Specialist
Caine College of the Arts


Richie Call
Interim Department Head and Associate Professor
Theatre Arts


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