Maximize your Academic Success
Learn about available resources to utilize during your time at Utah State University.
Habits of Mind courses address a variety of attributes to further college success. These classes help students make their work more productive, efficient, and purposeful.
AFS is USU's first-generation college student success program. It celebrates the success of first-generation college students through mentors, networking opportunities, and other campus-sponsored events.
USU's SI program is designed to provide peer-to-peer academic support for breadth education courses at no cost.
TRIO (SSS) is a motivational and academic support community who are first-generation, have a low-income, and/or experience a disability.
Presentations for Faculty & Staff
We invite you to consider having a Learning Specialist present on one or more of the portable academic skills that can make all of their courses more productive and purposeful. We would be happy to assist in in-person, virtual, or online courses. For more information or to schedule a presentation, please fill out the Qualtrics form.