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February 25 - March 2, 2024

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Entrepreneur Leadership Series: Jon Schmidt

Panel Discussion/Presentation

Jon Schmidt is a contemporary American pianist and composer, celebrated for his versatile musical talent and compositions. Schmidt’s musical interest started at a young age because of his parent's gift of an early education in music. He started teaching piano lessons at 16 and began a successful solo career in his early twenties. His distinctive style blends classical influences with modern elements, creating a unique musical fusion that resonates with audiences worldwide.
When going to college, Schmidt was worried about a career in music. He studied English and planned to get an MBA. After continuous pestering from people asking him to play the piano, he finally rented out a concert hall to introduce himself to the public. His audience loved him, and he hasn’t regretted pursuing his music career.
Jon Schmidt is a member of The Piano Guys, a musical group known for their innovative arrangements and music videos. The Piano Guys was formed in 2010 and the group has a large online following which has created millions of views on YouTube. Their goal is to inspire those who listen to their music.

6:00 pm - 7:00 pm | Eccles Conference Center Auditorium |

Tanner Symposium on Women & America's Vietnam War

Panel Discussion/Presentation

The United States formally ended its participation in what it called the Vietnam War fifty years ago. Many are still living with the legacies of this conflict, and one of the populations deeply affected by this devastating event were the women of many backgrounds who served militarily, had loved ones go to war, tended those affected by their direct participation in the war, protested its impact, or otherwise attempted to make sense of the war’s complex experiences and legacies. In connection with USU’s ongoing Bringing War Home Project that is collecting objects and stories from veterans and military families about modern war, we invite students, scholars, creative artists, and community members to share perspectives, especially from local history, in order to open conversations about the experiences of women who participated on multiple sides and sites of this conflict. We encourage interdisciplinary submissions from history, anthropology, material culture studies, archival studies, communications, literature, and the creative arts. This will be a live event, but there will be options for virtual participation for those who cannot attend in person.

9:00 am - 6:30 pm | Eccles Conference Center |

Business Senator Debate

Panel Discussion/Presentation

Every year the students of the Huntsman School of Business will vote to elect a new Business Senator. We're holding a Senator Debate to hear the platforms from the candidates for the 2024-2025 academic year.

11:00 am - 12:00 pm | Huntsman Hall |



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