Performance & Development Program

For the current FY24, at least one performance and development check-in is required for benefited staff by June 30, 2024.

Staff Performance and Development Check-ins
Performance and development check-ins are a forward-focused performance management process that helps employees to thrive.

The practice involves ongoing check-ins between the employee and their supervisor to manage performance and coach career development. These ongoing conversations establish expectations, feedback, and any training needed to help them meet their goals.

Employees and supervisors complete a brief conversation and an online summary form each check-in. These conversations focus on the employee’s current job priorities and continued learning. Research shows these ongoing check-ins lead to strengthened work relationships and increased employee engagement.

Faculty Annual Review Upload

This year the Annual Review documents will be submitted to HR through ServiceNow instead of a Box link as previously done in the past. As a reminder, faculty annual review process will follow the same process and form as used in the past. We are only changing the method to submit your documents to HR. This change provides two benefits.

First, it allows faculty leaders and Business Services to track completion status for both staff and faculty members in a single dashboard. These interactive dashboards will provide real-time status information for each faculty and benefit eligible staff member.

Second, it allows for document accessibility, by both the employee and leader, to find previously submitted documents in the system. (Note: The system will only have the Annual Review documents from this year’s review and forward.)

How often do we need to do performance and development check-ins?

Each department may select a recurring check-in cycle that works best for their team (e.g. quarterly, semesterly, semi-annually, or annually).

What are the performance and development steps?

The system will send a reminder email to the employee.

Step 1: Employee Starts Check-in (Self-evaluation)

The system will send an email notification to the supervisor.

Step 2: Supervisor Adds Comments

The system will send an email notification to the requestor.

Step 3: Request Feedback Needed?
If Yes, Step 4: Feedback Submitted Continue to Step 5.
If No, Step 5: Supervisor Prepares for Check-in
Check-in Conversation
Employee Sign-off

The system will send an email notification to the employee.

Supervisor Sign-off Form Completed

The system will send an email notification to the supervisor's leader for final year sign-off of last or only check-in.

Video Walkthroughs

What does the performance and development form cover?

A simple form focused on 3 areas


Technical Performance

What am I doing well to meet my essential job duties? What results have I helped produce?

Grin Face

Emotional Impact

Do I contribute positively or negatively to my work environment and team morale?

Light Bulb

Continuous Improvement Effort

Am I ready for tomorrow's challenges? What am I doing to improve outcomes for our customers?

Will the performance and development program affect compensation?

Salary increases will continue to be based on employee performance or contribution, internal equity, and external market factors. These are
the same factors that leaders in previous merit programs have used. While the new process does not include employee ratings, leaders will
continue to align compensation decisions with employee work results, observable behaviors documented, and budget allowances. The new
process elevates the frequency of manager and employee performance conversations in addition to conversations that focus on goals, growth
and development.