Meet the Candidates
USUSA Elections 2024


Candidates for USUSA President


Brayden Adamson

Class Rank: Junior

Major(s): Finance, Accounting

Minor(s): Economics

Instagram: @Brayden_adamson

Campaign Platform: Vote Brayden to establish a culture of student empowerment. Each Aggie is made of something special and it is my duty to show them what they are made of!


  • Salem Hills Student Body President, FCCLA Vice President, FBLA Secretary, Speech and Debate, Management Experience (call center), Great leadership experience perfectly matched with a strong love and desire for Utah State University and my fellow Aggies!


  • Make more students feel included at USU, Make a difference in events. Add to the traditions here at USU, Lead through passion and make my Aggies believe in something more than themselves


Jamie Parry

Class Rank: Senior

Major(s): Political Science

Minor(s): Anticipatory Intelligence, Nonformal & Community-Based Education

Instagram: @jamie.parry7

Campaign Platform: Prioritize People: Preserve inclusion, increase accessibility, and listen to students. Parking & Housing: Champion affordable student amenities. Progress AI Policies to enhance academic and research opportunities. Party: Amplify the Aggie community.



  • I love being an Aggie! Here's some experiences demonstrating why: Activities Director: Lead large-scale student events with my 27-member team this year (my favorite? The HOWL!) and prioritizing accessibility by collaborating with the DRC and Inclusion Center. Government Relations Council: Championing the #VoicesofAggies project through communicating with state representatives in effort to preserve DEI alongside student leaders. Residence Hall Association: Earned member-of-the-year through prioritizing student housing needs. A-team: Guided incoming students to USU opportunities. Student Media: Amplified Aggie stories on the Mosaic Podcast. President's Cabinet: Learned how to best utilize the role of President to prioritize student needs.


  • Prioritize People: I'll ensure diverse student needs are met through listening to students first, integrating Aggie voices into advocacy with key-stakeholders, and expanding academic belonging and leadership opportunities. Parking & Housing: I aim to prioritize affordability in campus development, improving student access to transportation and affordable housing. Progress AI Policies: My goal is to clarify AI policies and expand resources for enhancing research, academics, and employability of Aggies. Party: Celebrating our vibrant Aggie community, I plan to organize "President’s Parties" and spotlight student achievements, fostering a supportive, engaging, inclusive environment on campus.


Sarah Pope

Class Rank: Graduate

Major(s): Cognitive Psychology


Instagram: @sarahnpope

Campaign Platform: I'm running to effectively advocate for students. I want to create an Interview Clothes Closet and a Director of Research position to increase the qualtity of life for all USU students



  • I have four years of experience advocating at USU, 2 of which I served on the USUSA Academic Senate. I have created accessible opportunities such as the Graduate Student emergency Hardship Grant. I have standardized and codified procedures related to grants sponsored by student fee money. I have over 15 years of leadership experience. I have served on committees that are already apart of the president's position. Proven track record of accomplishing goals.


  • Professional Development Resources: Create a closet where students can rent interview clothes, Change the career center hours to accomodate non-traditional students. Increase student involvement in research: Create a Research Director Position that would be responsible for: Research week, URCO/GRCO, mentorship programs, research symposiums. Transparency in Student Goverment: 3rd party campaign donation reporting requirement for election candidates, more events to interact with student leaders, accessible student government budget reports. Effective Student Representation: Increase student voting power across committees, train student leaders in effective advocacy.


Matthew Richey

Class Rank: Junior

Major(s): Economics

Minor(s): Aerospace Studies, Anticipatory Intelligence

Instagram: @matt_richey01

Campaign Platform: I will effectively represent and advocate for all USU students. My goals are to support all students through prioritizing community, culture, inclusion, and accessibility. Make it with Matt!



  • Student Fee Board, USUSA Logan Campus Vice President Committee, Administrative Assistant, USUSA Activities Committee, Business Council and Huntsman Scholar, Air Force ROTC: National Business Chair, Arnold Air Society


  • Community: Use President's Cabinet to better coordinate resources and opportunities between departments and campuses, Culture: Create an institutional incentive that rewards professors and faculty who are involved with student organizations, Inclusion: Advocate for space dedicated to inclusion on each of our statewide campuses, Accessibility: Connect regularly with students to better represent our student body's needs and keep the student government transparent


Jake Russell

Class Rank: Sophmore

Major(s): Pre-Med, Public Health, Emphasis in Public Education


Instagram: @jake_likes_cake

Campaign Platform: I will build on the already succesful club network to help students find their place on campus, build lasting relationships, and encourage a community of kindness.



  • Ever since I stepped foot on campus I knew that I wanted to be involved and make a difference. Since that day I was elected president of the Pre-Med club, advocated for student voices with the Government Relations Council, created a plan for sustainability with President's Cabinet, cultivated meaningful connections with Alumni with the Student Alumni Association, and put on some of the best events with the Activities and now Series Committee. Winning Mr. USU was also the greatest honor and just shows the trust placed in me by my fellow students to lead with integrity and unwavering authenticity!


  • Simply put, my goal is to enhance our thriving club network, creating an environment where students can discover themselves, forge meaningful connections, and contribute to a community rooted in kindness and support. All of this, while ensuring everyone has a great time.

Candidates for USUSA Executive Vice President


Colin Hastings

Class Rank: Sophmore

Major(s): Political Science


Instagram: @colinhastings0407

Campaign Platform: I plan on obtaining actual results for students through working with existing university resources, while striving for the larger ideals of belonging, sustainability, and community at USU.



  • Chass Senator: Represent Chass on the Academic Senate. Senate Pro Tempore: Take the place of the Exec VP if they are gone. Order of Omega Honor Society President: Chair meetings and run an organization. Student Alumni Association Member: Help plan and execute events for students and alumni, including True Aggie Night. Student Fee Board Member: Represent students on the student fee board. Student Media Fee Committee Chair: Audit the Student Media Student Fee. Other Roles: 70+ volunteer hours for USU events, Aggie Blue facilitator, Connections peer mentor, programming board member, presidential investiture committee, USUSA bylaws committee, academic opportunity fund


  • Student fee transparency: Integrate Student Media into Student Fee Board discussions to provide valuable insights and gather student feedback before a final vote. Maximize student resources: Enhance advertising to boost awareness of University resources available to students, for example, the Academic Opportunity Fund. USUSA Sub-Committees: Facilitate the creation of student groups focused on key issues like mental health, sustainability, or parking. Support the Senators: Aid Senators in organizing and implementing initiatives and represent their views on non-academic matters. Engage the Community: Collaborate with leaders, organizations, and residents across all campuses to secure student benefits.


Cade Neuberger

Class Rank: Junior

Major(s): Business Management

Minor(s): Chemistry

Instagram: @cadeneuberger

Campaign Platform: I will listen to the needs of students to make Utah State inclusive, supportive, and fun!


  • Member of USUSA Activities Committee, helped to plan and execute the following events: The Howl, Viva Las Logan, Movie on Old Main, Snacktivities. Member of Student Alumni Association (SAA), dedicated to making lifelong aggies through events such as: True Aggie Night, Miss USU, Thank a Donor, Service Events/Scholarships. Member of Spanish Club, Event Planning Committee Executive for Aggie Run Club, coordinate organized events with others to accomplish the needs of the club. USU Teaching Assistant, provided additional suppport for students outside of classroom. Mentor for USU Project Motivation, built relationships with students to help them excel. Friend to all!


  • I will work with the student fee board to minimize the increase in student fees. I will respond to "MyVoice" in order to assist students with their needs. I will advocate to reduce wait times at testing centers during finals week.


Brooklyn Ward

Class Rank: Junior

Major(s): Dietetics

Minor(s): Mental Health Advocacy and Awareness

Instagram: @brooklyn_ward3

Campaign Platform: Bet on Brooklyn! I want to enhance the student experience by prioritizing building, bridging, & belonging. My goals are to increase student input in facilities enhancements & belonging across all statewide campuses.


  • USUSA Traditions Committee, USUSA Eastern Student Advocate, Miss USU Eastern, USU Eastern Dance Team & USU Dance Company, USU Extension Health and Wellness Intern, Userve Utah College Council


  • Bridging - I want to bridge the gap between students & facilities to effectivly allocate funds within our budget. I want to better understand & address student issues within facilities & create a platform for students to voice concerns & continue building on course fee transparency. Building - I want to build relationships between colleges & grant student resources by reallocating student fees to allow students access to more resources. Belonging - I want to promote belonging across our entire statewide system & make sure all our students feel part of the Utah State family through experiences & academic senate.


Christina Behling

Class Rank: Freshman

Major(s): Nursing



Campaign Platform:


  • Highly organized and outgoing, my community involvement, particularly with the Moab Free Health Clinic, reflects my dedication to addressing local needs. Adept at organization, I ensure efficient project management. My outgoing nature fosters strong relationships, vital for collaborative leadership. Recognized as a good listener, I prioritize inclusivity and understanding diverse perspectives. Ready to leverage these qualities as Vice President to advocate for healthcare, community well-being, and effective decision-making in Moab.


Candidates for USUSA Student Advocate Vice President


Michael Campbell

Class Rank: Graduate

Major(s): Masters in Human Resources, Masters in Business Administration



Campaign Platform: Elevate Student Voices: Empower, Engage, Excel. As your VP, I'll champion inclusive policies, amplify student concerns, and ensure every Aggie thrives at Utah State University. Together, let's soar higher!


  • Advocacy: As a 10-year veteran of the US Army, I have a proven track record of passionately advocating for my soldier's rights. Leadership: Experience in leadership roles (military, educational, and organizational). Platoon Sergeant, Supreme Court Justice (student government), Head of recruiting for a transportation company, Policy Knowledge: In-depth understanding of university systems, policies, and student services. Event Organization: Experience in organizing events at my previous educational institution. As the student Supreme Court Justice, I was tasked with organizing and executing events like food drives for disadvantaged students, as well as managing student officer financial disbursements.


  • Establish forums for students to express concerns and ideas. Implement online suggestion platforms for increased accessibility. Collaborate with student groups to ensure representation and equal opportunities. Explore ways to reduce the financial burden on students, such as open educational resources. Address concerns related to student housing conditions. Support and expand wellness programs addressing physical and mental health. Expand opportunities for on-campus employment. Work to make campus events and facilities more inclusive for all students. Implement programs to enhance financial literacy among students. Promote artistic and cultural events on campus. Establish an emergency fund to support students facing unexpected financial crises.


Libby Henrie

Class Rank: Freshman

Major(s): Business Marketing

Minor(s): Entrepreneurship

Instagram: @libby.henrie29

Campaign Platform: Ensure students across all USU campuses feel their voices and opinions are heard, by building personal and meaningful connections, in order to encourage unity and increase student satisfaction. 


  • 10+ leadership roles over 5+ years, Desirous to learn and grow individually and professionally, friendly and engaging, Student Body Officer 2022-2023, head of all media and marketing for the school, President's Cabinet 2023-2024


  • Encourage voter registration and civic responsibility: hold voter registration events, Build personal connections with students: ensures students feel important and heard, Host town hall meetings monthly, Promote MyVoice as an effective platform for students to share their comments and concerns: including spreading awareness of the program, no concern is too small, advocate for Logan City Ordinance 13-54 to be adjusted: changing the occupancy limit of unrelated individuals living together from 3 to at least 4, ideally moving away from occupancy regulations and more to regulations regarding traffic control in households with 3+ unrelated members, and encouraging neighborly courtesy


Jaxon Hunt

Class Rank: Junior

Major(s): Outdoor Product Design and Development


Instagram: @jaxonhunt

Campaign Platform: Know the power of your voice to make a difference! Every opinion matters and I want to hear yours. Students must understand that change starts with them. 


  • As a Dean Scholar and ambassador in the College of Agriculture and Applied Sciences, it has been a great privilege to work behind the scenes and make student events come alive. I have learned that it takes great effort to plan events, encourage student engagement, and help students feel involved. For the past couple of years, I have been involved in the HXP program. As a builder, trip leader, and now HXP ambassador, I help spread the word about humanitarian work opportunities. I feel that what qualifies me is my passion to foster positive change on and off campus.


  • Assisting students in comprehending the purpose of 'My Voice' and its application by the USUSA is my primary focus. My goal is to collect at least 20 submissions each week. I believe that town hall meetings can be highly beneficial if planned effectively, held at suitable times, and allow for the preparation of all participants. I will ensure the valuable time of others and not be conducted merely as a 'check off the box' activity. I am committed to promoting a positive and uplifting environment at GRC meetings, aiming to create a fun, positive, and uplifting atmosphere.


Sydney Lyman

Class Rank: Junior

Major(s): Political Science, Broadcast Journalism

Minor(s): Anticipatory Intelligence

Instagram: @_sydneyannlyman_

Campaign Platform: Building an inclusive, vibrant student community together through increased accessibility, civic engagement, and embracing diversity. I want to lead with empathy and magnify student voices! Your voice, our future.



  • I have served on the Government Relations Council for three years. Most recently, I served as the director of the Government Relations Council, working under the Student Advocate to create positive change. Through this role, I helped to create the Voices of Aggies initiative championed by the GRC to help protect Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion programs at USU. Beyond that, I am a director on the College of Humanities and Social Science's council and serve on the new council of advocacy. I love the people of Utah State!  I'm so excited for the opportunity to serve them in this capacity.


  • I would like to work with the events committee to increase the accessibility of popular events. For instance, having ASL interpreters at comedy shows and concerts is important to create a more accessible community. My goal is to work with facilities to ensure the improvement of ramps around campus. I would also love to enhance the relationships between student leaders and the campus community by increasing the use of My Voice through an educational campaign. It is also important to me to improve pre-existing events like Gripe Night so that student leaders know what issues the student population is facing.

Logan Campus Executive Council Candidates

Candidates for Logan Campus Vice President


Brayden Adamson

Class Rank: Junior

Major(s): Finance, Accounting

Minor(s): Economics

Instagram: @Brayden_adamson

Campaign Platform: Vote Brayden to establish a culture of student empowerment. Each Aggie is made of something special and it is my duty to show them what they are made of!


  • Salem Hills Student Body President, FCCLA Vice President, FBLA Secretary, Speech and Debate, Management Experience (call center), Great leadership experience perfectly matched with a strong love and desire for Utah State University and my fellow Aggies!


  • Make more students feel included at USU, Make a difference in events. Add to the traditions here at USU, Lead through passion and make my Aggies believe in something more than themselves


Archer Dame

Class Rank: Junior  

Major(s): Psychology

Minor(s): Yoga Instruction

Instagram: @archerdame

Campaign Platform: As your Logan Vice President, I will focus on amplifying student voices to identify and fill student needs, promote meaningful connections, and enhance USU culture through collaboration, curation, and compassion.


  • USUSA Series Events Director: Plans, organizes, and executes approx. 20 events during each academic year. Delegation, execution, and creativity balanced with realistic expectations. Series Committee Member: Teamwork, Values and follows through with student needs. Entrepreneur/Business Owner, Utah fair vendor: How to run a business operation, Work force management, hiring and scheduling. Performance experience (Theater, Jazz Band Vocalist, Aggie Voice): Present situations vulnerably and honestly from multiple perspectives, Can work in high pressure environments. State Manager for Youth Productions, Manager for Jazz Band Vocalists: Creating and implementing expectations, Conflict resolution through compromise and communication


  • I will strengthen the relationship between students, faculty, and staff to open up opportunities for open communication to enhance students voices. I want to focus on student voices and address their needs and concerns to help every student on Logan campus to see actual action taken to show them that their voices matter at this University. I will help promote and allow students to be made aware of the resources that USU offers, while also focusing on starting the process towards positive change to what students needs, emphasizing students wellbeing and mental health, by creating opportunities for students to connect.


Parker Norton

Class Rank: Junior  

Major(s): Business Marketing

Minor(s): Communications

Instagram: @parkernorton_

Campaign Platform: Your experience matters to me. I'm here to create an experience at USU that gets you stoked to choose “in”, find your place, and make it your home. 


  • What qualifies a person? Yes, I’ve had experience with leadership throughout my life including serving on the Traditions Committee. This gave me the opportunity to understand the processes of USUSA and the commitment it takes to be in a leadership position. I recognize the influence a single person can have as I started the campus wide movement Overall Wednesday. This movement has given people a way to belong through something as simple as wearing overalls. But most importantly, the thing that qualifies me for this position is that I love USU and have a desire to make a difference.


  • Amplify the USU college experience by making Logan campus feel like a home year round: Collaborate with the outdoor programs and on campus housing to create fun, engaging experiences to break up the monotony of spring semester. Protecting students from breaching outdated academic policies: Updating the student code to reflect the correct use of AI in classrooms. Advocate for DEI programs to continue to play an important role on Logan Campus: With the recent passage of the anti DEI Bill (HB261), I will support activities hosted by DEI organizations so these students have a place where they feel celebrated.


Brandon Sorensen

Class Rank: Sophmore

Major(s): Marketing

Minor(s): Entrepreneurship, Leadership & Management, Marketing Design

Instagram: @_brandon.sorensen_

Campaign Platform: Tranform Logan Campus with better parking, improved department spaces, diverse dining, and amplified student voices. Soar with Sorensen on a journey that’s responsive, inclusive, and driven by your needs


  • Since freshman year at USU, I've been deeply involved: planning sporting events with the USU HURD Committee, shaping major events like the HOWL with the USUSA Events Activities Committee, contributing to the Student Alumni Association's Giving Committee, joining SigEp Fraternity now leading as VP of Communication, and participating in the Huntsman ProSales team and Aggie Blue Leadership Conference. In my second year, I grew my roles: Facilitating Aggie Blue, serving as a FSL ambassador, mentoring new students as a peer mentor, Business School Ambassador, USUSA's Diversity Director, and enhancing student life and safety on the Logan VP Committee


  • As Logan VP, my goals include enhancing campus navigation with better transportation and parking solutions, revitalizing department spaces into dynamic, multifunctional areas, and revolutionizing dining with healthy, inclusive options. I'm dedicated to elevating student engagement through platforms like MyVoice, ensuring every voice is heard and actioned. Additionally, I'll work towards a supportive and healthy campus environment for all Aggies.

Candidates for Logan Campus Athletics & Campus Recreation Executive Director



Noa Aguayo
Class Rank: Junior

Major(s): Kinesiology: Pre-PT


Instagram: @noa_aguayo

Campaign Platform: Raise the voice for students at sporting events, Ensure Aggie Traditions are passed down to future classes, Increased engagement from the Cache Valley community



  • Member of HURD Committee for 2 years, Worked at the USU Athletics Development department, Leader of the student section at Woods Cross High School, Dedicated and life long Aggie fan, Bleed Aggie Blue.


  • Create a more effective communication channel for students to voice their ideas for the HURD and Gameday experiences. Teach and inform new students Utah State traditions ensuring they are properly passed on to future classes. Increase engagment from the wider Cache Valley community to support all Aggie Athletics events. Improve the experience of students at Campus Recreation facilities.


Dallin Wilson

Class Rank: Senior

Major(s): Statistics, MDATA:Statistics

Minor(s): Mathematics, Data Analytics

Instagram: @dwil3333

Campaign Platform: To enhance the culture of USU and The Hurd, I aim to embrace tradition and inspire new ideas fostering unity throughout the student body via varsity and club sporting events.


  • 3 years of experience on The Hurd committee, including serving as Gameday Director. I have worked tirelessly throughout my time at USU both on gameday and behind the scenes to help provide the best atmosphere and experience for students, athletes, and the community. Led the project to have a permanent Hurd gameday sign on the TSC patio to help market club and varsity events as well as Hurd events. Helped plan and lead the first "Midnight Yell" pep rallies, and countless tailgates. Helped facilitate Wild Bill's induction into the Hurd Hall of Fame. Painted the current "Welcome to Hell" banner. 


  • Enhance (The Culture): Prioritize planning for consistent Hurd presence at varsity and club sporting events, Ensure support for ALL athletes, Effectively allocate resources, Promote key rivalry and in-state games. Engage (The Community): Contribute to the unique fan experience at USU games through community collaboration, Coordinate with local businesses and alumni for tailgates, post-game parties, and Hurd Premium benefits, Encourage innovation while honoring the legacy and tradition of students at Utah State. Energize (The Campus): Revitalize Hurd marketing to highlight the unique student experience, Emphasize creativity and campus-wide collaboration for Hurd events, Open door for all students to share ideas/feedback.


Candidates for Logan Campus Diversity & Organizations Executive Director


Ricardo Tienda-Perez

Class Rank: Sophmore

Major(s): Business Management, Emphasis in Healthcare Management


Instagram: @ricardotphs

Campaign Platform: If elected, I will establish a strong culture of belonging for all members (students) of the Aggie Family through the diversification, support, inclusion, and collaboration of clubs and student organizations.


  • Since beginning my leadership journey at USU, I have been driven to prioritize the voices of students and ensure they feel heard. As a member of USU’s A-Team, I have had the opportunity to welcome and engage with students from all across the world. With this came the impactful experience of cultivating a culturally inclusive and accepting environment at USU. Throughout my college experience, I have partaken in various leadership roles in clubs, organizations, and my local community. I have seen the importance of diversity, collaboration, and cultural awareness in our university.


  • As a first-generation student from a Latino household, I have firsthand seen the impact of inclusive programs at USU. If elected, I will continue to promote diversity at our university by creating further access and support for all clubs and organizations. Effective collaborative efforts between our university’s administration, clubs, and organizations to further their development. I will prioritize Inclusive Excellence, encouraging students’ membership into organizations, and promote growth within; you belong at USU. Most importantly, I plan to promote the growth of clubs and organizations through adequate funding and create additional private scholarship opportunities for students of diverse backgrounds.


Jade Velazquez Hernandez

Class Rank: Sophmore

Major(s): Anthropology on the Cultural Track

Minor(s): Intersectional Gender Studies, Social Work, Sexuality Studies

Instagram: @jadey_velazquez

Campaign Platform: JUSTICE w/ JADE: JUSTICE being an acronym for: Joy, Unity, Safety, Teamwork , Intrigety, Community, and Equity


  • Part of AFS (Aggies First Scholars), Involved w/ the Latinx Cultural Center, LIA (Latinos in Action) Mentoring Chair (Summer), Initiated LIA member, Involved w/ the Inclusion Center, VP of Logan Council, DEI committee (FA '22), Student Involvement (SP '23-Present), Women who succeed program, TRIO SSS (Student Support Services) Program, Student Events Series Committee, Kappa Delta, Minority Student (Mexican/Filipina), Queer (identifies within the LGBTQ+ community), First Generation Student, Bilingual (fluent in Spanish and English) with some conversation knowledge in other languages.


  • Share leadership and involvement opportunities to multicultural students. Create workshops and/or open spaces for those who are the predominantly race/religon in multicultural environments. Update the Student Involvement Blue Quiz. Host service projects where students can feel included, belonged, and accepted while also giving back to the community. Advocate for student's voices.

Candidates for Logan Campus Student Events Executive Director


Kelsey Lamb

Class Rank: Junior

Major(s): Elementary Education

Minor(s): Human Development

Instagram: @kelseylamb

Campaign Platform: Embrace the events that make Utah State Special. Enjoy time in college with memorable student events. Encourage opportunities for leadership and make them acessible to students. 


  • Living Learning Community Residence Hall Association Event Planning Commitee Member - 1 year, Founding Teacher Education Club Commitee Member - 1 year, USUSA Student Events Blue Crew Commitee Member - 2 years, USUSA Student Events Social Media Coordinator - 1 year, I've actively contributed to event planning committees, honing leadership skills during my two years with Blue Crew. Now, as the Social Media Coordinator for Student Events at Utah State, I'm thrilled to showcase our vibrant community and bring positive energy.


  • Enhance accessibility of event information for students, particularly incoming freshmen, to minimize confusion and ensure students can fully enjoy the events. Promote attainability of leadership opportunities in the Student Events Office by informing students about the application process and encouraging students to join an events committee. Empower students within events committees by creating an environment where members feel heard and valued, influencing the shaping of events at Utah State. Elevate the student experience by organizing and delivering diverse, engaging events that give back students, creating lasting memories and fostering a sense of belonging at Utah State.


Ashlynn Smith

Class Rank: Junior

Major(s): Psychology, Communications

Minor(s): Mental Health Advocacy

Instagram: @ashlynn.smitth

Campaign Platform: I plan on focusing on individuality, inclusivity, and improvements because it is the key to building a stronger and more effective Student Events Office!


  • In my freshman year, I wanted to get as involved as possible, so I became a Advocacy Peer for mental health coaching! Moving into my sophomore year, I had the pleasure of serving as an active member of both the Hurd Committee and the Traditions Committee. I am now a Junior & serving as the USUSA Traditions Director in the Student Events Office, and have the BEST time planning High Stakes Bingo, Holiday Week, Mr. USU, and more. In my involvement experiences, I've learned organizational, leadership, and developmental skills that have prepared me to be the Student Events Executive Director.


  • In this position, I would expand our office by focusing on individuality, inclusion, & improvements. One thing that is incredibly special about Utah State is our ability to create events for each individual type of person, no matter their background. As a current events director, I've seen the great amount of effect our events have on students. We have an amazing opportunity to equalize opportunities & foster diverse perspectives, & I want to continue the momentum by building an effective, welcoming, strong events office that will advocate & encourage involvement on all corners of campus. There is opportunity for growth, & I'm here to work!

Statewide Campuses Executive Council

Candidates for Blanding Service Region Vice President


Manny Manygoats
Class Rank: Freshman

Major(s): Business



Campaign Platform: Goals and prosperity for the students at USU Blanding.


  • I am very open to others and to give advice to students and the possibilities to success. I have the energy to advocate for the students of USU Blanding.


  • The goals that I have for USU Blanding is to make the students engage in activities and to be more productive. I want to build a foundation for students to get the help that they need in the Mental Health Department. I want students to enjoy their college life without their problems. I want close campuses to engage with USU Blanding and to do events to have everyone come closer together. I want the best for the students with their health and education. There are so many goals that I have in mind that I just can't comprehend at this second. But the main goal is for students to get the help they need in the Mental Health Department..

Candidates for Brigham City Service Region Vice President


Emily Davies

Class Rank: Senior

Major(s): Pre-Law,History

Minor(s): Political Science, Criminal Justice

Instagram: @em_daves

Campaign Platform: Advocate for enhanced resources, inclusive programs, and a sustainable campus environment for all of our students.


  • USUSA Brigham City/Tremonton Representative 2022-2023, USUSA Brigham City Regional Vice President 2023-2024, Brigham City Region Peer Outreach Specialist 2022-2023, Brigham City Region Admission Specialist and Student Success Coordinator 2023-Current


  • Resource Enhancement: Ensure student fees are used to provide access to resources, ensuring students have the tools, facilities, and support needed for academic success and personal development. Inclusive Program Development: Champion the creation and expansion of diverse programs that cater to the needs and interests of all students, promoting a campus culture that embraces and celebrates differences. Sustainable Campus Initiatives: Spearhead efforts to contribute to a more sustainable and environmentally conscious campus for the benefit of current and future students.

Candidates for Eastern Service Region Vice President


Madysen Probst

Class Rank: Junior

Major(s): Integrated Studies, emphasis in Social Sciences and Human Services


Instagram: @madysenprobst

Campaign Platform: Continue to foster a unified campus comunity while bridging the gap between students, resources and support. All while ensuring students thrive knowing their avaliable opportunities. 


  • I am qualified to be the Eastern Vice President as I have been a part of USUSA Eastern (or EUSA) for two years now. I have been the Event Coordinator and Cheif of Staff here at the Eastern Campus. These positions have helped me learn how a student government group should run but also what the Eastern campus stands in need of.  


  • Continue to foster a "home away from home" atmosphere on the Eastern campus. Ensure all students know about avaliable resources such as CAPS, One Stop Student Services, Scholarship Universe and more. Provide a safe space for all students to know they belong and are seen.

Candidates for Moab Service Region Vice President


Christina Behling

Class Rank: Freshman

Major(s): Nursing



Campaign Platform: We have new walls and floors, its time to build what the Aggie's are known for, community. A place where aggies support aggies, and education is always family friendly.


  • Highly organized and outgoing, my community involvement, particularly with the Moab Free Health Clinic, reflects my dedication to addressing local needs. Adept at organization, I ensure efficient project management. My outgoing nature fosters strong relationships, vital for collaborative leadership. Recognized as a good listener, I prioritize inclusivity and understanding diverse perspectives. Ready to leverage these qualities as Vice President to advocate for healthcare, community well-being, and effective decision-making in Moab.


Candidates for Southwest Service Region Vice President


Cheryl Hawkins

Class Rank: Senior

Major(s): Special Education

Minor(s): Human Development, Sociology


Campaign Platform: Southwest is the best!!!!


  • I am a hardworking student of Southwest USU. I am currently  the Southwest Student Rep and have seen the process of student government in action. 


  • I want the people of the Southwest campus to feel the pride of USU.  Although they may be far from the school in miles they can still be a part of the magic that Utah State affords. Go Aggies, especially Southwest Aggies!

Candidates for Tooele Service Region Vice President


Melissa Reedy

Class Rank: Graduate

Major(s): Curriculum and Instruction

Minor(s): Elementary Mathematics Education Specialization


Campaign Platform: My Platform as the Tooele Vice President ensures that all students feel safe, welcomed and heard in our statewide community. 


  • I currently serve as the USUSA Tooele Vice President. Educators License with the Utah Board of Education. Experience with multiple leadership roles, I am passionate about helping others reach their goals and care about celebrating achievements and successes, big or small. QPR certified. I am dedicated to offering sensitivity and support, particularly in the vital realm of suicide prevention, and I want to bring this training to our campus. Currently serving as the Peer Outreach Specialist at the Tooele Campus, I help ensure that our students have the necessary support and resources, setting them up for success.


  • Increase and build upon our local community and allow our students to give back. Continue to work on student engagement and student involvement with activities, committees and networking. Ensure that I listen, understand students' concerns, and utilize my voice on campus. We are strengthening campus spirit by encouraging students to take pride in our university and promoting a strong sense of community and belonging. By doing this, I am working to ensure that we strive to foster an inclusive campus environment that values and respects diversity and promotes a healthy space for students to learn and grow.


TJ Winn

Class Rank: Freshman

Major(s): Pre-Nursing



Campaign Platform: Tooele is an amazing and quickly growing community. We need to constantly grow with it and get more students and in person classes.


  • I have been very involved in Tooele's local community for many years. I have had many different experiences as a police officer, firefighter, business owner and many other great opportunities that have made me well rounded. I am a current student and I can see a need for more involvement and I am currently working and doing what I can to help our USU Community grow.


  • My first goal is to help get more in person classes at USU Tooele. We have an amazing staff and facilities here however we need more support as students by getting more in person classes. Many people are surprised to hear all of what Tooele has to offer and in person classes will help get more students and classes at our campus. Working together and helping each other our along the way will keep everyone more engaged and geared for success. We need to get more involved and make these grow.

Candidates for Uintah Basin Service Region Vice President


Sam Green

Class Rank: Sophomore

Major(s): Kinesiology: Pre-PT


Instagram: @sam_green_24

Campaign Platform: I stand for inclusion for all students and belive that everyone deserves an oppurtinty to have fun and be part of a learning enviorment here at USU.


  • I was study body president at Uintah High School my senior year 2022 and was in student council two years piror to that as elected president for my graducted class. Currently work for Uintah Special Service District 1 as a Sport Coordinator. In this job I manage employees and other sporting events to help encourge a fun and a learning experience for all. For three years (2021 -2023) I worked for Uintah County Travel and tourism. Their I helped plan and orginze events for people from around the world and in the local commuinty. 


  • My Goals for the possition of Uintah Basin Region Vice President are to make a postive, inviting envoierment for students and facullty to enjoy at the campus and at events. It is a goal of mine to help collage student know that through this stressful time you can have fun and to make sure to also enjoy collage as much as you worry about it. Enjoying and creating fun,inviting activties for students and the peeirs to come and enjoy. The last goal I would like to mention is to make sure to do the small things like a highfive!

Candidates for Wasatch Service Region Vice President


Michael Campbell

Class Rank: Graduate

Major(s): Masters in Human Resources, Masters in Business Administration



Campaign Platform: Empower the Wasatch: Advocating for unity, sustainability, and community growth. As VP, I'll amplify local voices and drive positive change for a vibrant Wasatch Area. Let's thrive together!


  • Advocacy: As a 10-year veteran of the US Army, I have a proven track record of passionately advocating for my soldier's rights. Leadership: Experience in leadership roles (military, educational, and organizational). Platoon Sergeant, Supreme Court Justice (student government), Head of recruiting for a transportation company, Policy Knowledge: In-depth understanding of university systems, policies, and student services. Event Organization: Experience in organizing events at my previous educational institution. As the student Supreme Court Justice, I was tasked with organizing and executing events like food drives for disadvantaged students, as well as managing student officer financial disbursements.


  • Collaborate with Wasatch area students to ensure their voices are heard regarding policy decisions. Provide care packages, hoodies, school supplies, tickets to sporting and entertainment events, and other student essentials to Wasatch area students. Collaborate with local artists and organizations for community beautification projects. Collaborate with local businesses to provide discounts and benefits to students. Collaborate with local sports organizations to enhance recreational opportunities, including access to sports facilities for student use. Collaborate with local nonprofits to create volunteer opportunities for students. Advocate for public art projects that reflect the creativity of the student body.

Academic Senate Candidates

Candidates for Caine College of the Arts Senator


Olivia Frye

Class Rank: Sophomore

Major(s): Graphic Design and Landscape Architecture

Minor(s): Marketing

Instagram: @_oliviafrye_

Campaign Platform: Promoting fine arts events, advocating for program improvements through active listening, and supporting the overall excellence of fine arts and artists. Your voice matters, and together, we thrive.



  • As a candidate for College of the Arts Senator, I bring a profound passion for the arts, bolstered by leadership roles in arts organizations. My commitment to inclusivity, proactive program enhancement, and a vision for a vibrant arts environment positions me as an ideal advocate for our community. Dedicated to fostering collaboration, I aim to amplify the artistic voice. Let's work together to elevate the fine arts experience, ensuring every artist thrives in our shared creative space. With your support, I am ready to contribute to the enrichment and empowerment of our artistic community.


  • In my capacity as the College of the Arts Senator, I am committed to enhancing the fine arts experience. My main objectives involve improving the visibility and accessibility of fine arts events, fostering an inclusive and collaborative arts community, and advocating for resources to empower artists. By actively engaging with the diverse needs of the artistic community, my aim is to create an environment where every artist can thrive, contributing to the cultural richness of our institution. Together, let's ensure a vibrant and supportive artistic space for all.


Maya Stevenson

Class Rank: Sophomore

Major(s): Art

Minor(s): Entrepreneurship

Instagram: @mayadstevenson

Campaign Platform: Create a diverse and inclusive arts program, continuing and creating traditions, fostering collaboration between majors in the college, and creating opportunities to spotlight the talents at Caine College. 


  • I have a unique blend of leadership, financial, and artistic experience to bring to the role of Art Senator. My experience as a student government senator, representative, and treasurer in high school honed my skills in leadership, budget management, and representing student interests. As the co-president of the USU Women's Club Soccer team, I have demonstrated the ability to lead, collaborate, and drive initiatives. My background in art, music, and film adds a personal understanding of the challenges and opportunities within the arts community. 


  • Establishing New Events and Traditions: I aim to introduce new events that celebrate all artistic expressions and fields of work. These could include collaborative exhibitions between majors, battle of the bands type events, and festivals. These events have the potential to become traditions at USU similiar to PoBev and Arts Week. Fostering Collaboration Between Art Programs: I plan to bridge various art forms, encouraging joint projects and events. This collaboration will not only enrich the student experience but also create a more unified and dynamic art community in our college.


Lauren Tougas

Class Rank: Junior

Major(s): Music Education, Choral Emphasis, Music - Vocal Performance


Instagram: @lauren.tougas

Campaign Platform: Dedicated to fostering synergy, greater interdisciplinary collaboration, and inclusivity in our diverse artistic community, while advocating for enhanced funding and support for the Caine College of the Arts.



  • As an active member of the Arts Council for two years, ascending from Social Media Director to serving now as its President, I bring proven leadership and a deep understanding of our arts community. My background in student government and other leadership roles have equipped me with strong communication, event organization and managerial abilities.  These experiences, combined with my proven ability to engage with students and faculty, along with my commitment to advancing arts education and nurturing an inclusive arts community, uniquely qualify me to represent and advocate for our Caine College of the Arts as its Senator.


  • In this Senate position, my primary goals are to amplify student voices in the Caine College of the Arts, foster robust interdisciplinary collaborations, and work to secure increased funding and resources for arts programs. I aim to cultivate a more inclusive arts community, promote broader engagement in arts education, and facilitate initiatives that bridge academic learning with real-world application and career aspirations. Further, I intend to strengthen alumni networks and industry connections, providing students with valuable mentorship opportunities and enhanced career pathways. These objectives will ensure a supportive, nurturing, and prolific environment for arts students, advancing creativity and professional development.

Candidates for College of Agriculture & Applied Sciences Senator


George Blue
Class Rank: Sophmore

Major(s): Aviation Management, Emphasis in Unmanned Aerial Systems

Minor(s): Aerospace Studies

Instagram: @thegeorgeblue

Campaign Platform: I hope to promote and highlight all the great things students have been doing in CAAS and be an advocate for the college in improving our classrooms and education.


  • While here at Utah State I have tried to take on leadership roles within student organizations. I have been taken on various leadership roles within the Air Force ROTC program. I have been a part of multiple resident hall councils as well as serving as the VP of Events for the Interfraternity Council. I believe I have what it takes to stand up and be an advocate for the CAAS student needs and lead and effective CAAS Council.


  • I hope to accomplish many things while being your CAAS Senator. My first goal is getting a shuttle service for aviation student straight from campus to the airport and for agricultural students to the farm south of campus. Next, I want to be an advocate for improving some of the buildings around campus. Some of the classrooms that are mainly used by CAAS students are in need of some improvements. Finally, all the CAAS students statewide are doing incredible things in the classroom and their extracurriculars. I want to highlight not only Ag and Aviation but all majors in CAAS!


Stryder Childs

Class Rank: Junior

Major(s): Agribusiness

Minor(s): Agronomy

Instagram: @strydchilds

Campaign Platform: C.A.A.S. is already a great place and we can make it better! My campaign is to help students feel pride for being in Agriculture at Utah State!


  • I grew up in agriculture and have been on the farm since I was born. I know agricutlure is a hard working lifestyle and we have that grit and determination to get the education we need. CAAS Ambassador for one year, President of the Ag Systems Tech Club in CAAS, CAAS Dean's List recipient for Fall 2022, Spring 2023, Fall 2023, Two year volunteer work for church, Farm Hand at the USU South Farm


  • My goal is to help C.A.A.S. students know that there is pride in being in Agriculture and pride in getting an eduaction through C.A.A.S. at Utah State. Utah State was founded to teach ag and we as students today continue that legacy. My goal is to give more access to the resources we have, to help students follow their dreams and future career ideas to advance ag in the United States for the future. 


Kagen Knudsen

Class Rank: Junior

Major(s): Animal and Dairy Science


Instagram: @kagenknudsen33

Campaign Platform: If selected as CAAS Senator, I plan to: Guide students to find their place within the CAAS, Promote department inclusion within the CAAS, Promote club activity & involvement, Promote scholarship awareness


  • During my educational career, I have taken the opportunity to hold many leadership positions within the CAAS as well as with other organizations outside of my college career. Currently, I hold positions as a member of the CAAS council as well as the USU Animal Science Club’s vice president. The past few years while building upon my education academically, professionally, and personally, I have also had the opportunity to participate in the intramural teams, and in USU’s academic quadrathlon. All of these experiences and many others have made me the best candidate for CAAS Senator.


  • If chosen as the CAAS Senator, I would like to see more student involvement from all clubs within our college. I would like to be able to engage with individual clubs to develop a sense of community and ensure that each department feels equally represented and valued by myself and the CAAS council. I want to see more effective ways of advertising scholarship applications and opportunities to all CAAS students. I would like to be able to see a higher retention rate in the CAAS. And overall, I want students to establish a sense of belonging in our college.


Dantzel Miner

Class Rank: Junior

Major(s): Animal, Dairy, and Veterinary Sciences, Emphasis in Equine Science and Management

Minor(s): Non-formal Community Based Education

Instagram: @dantzelminer

Campaign Platform: As Senator I want to elevate each student in CAAS! I'll advocate for each Major, Emphasis and club, increase student involvement with more oppurtunities, and improve our "college student" expereince!


  • I am currently on the College of Agriculture & Applied Sciences Council, directly under current senator! I'm aware of student needs and am apart of the USUSA Advocacy council, and want to implement these improvements! I have been on multiple councils and presidencies in planning and carrying out involvement, activities, advocating, for the last 10 years! I want to make a change for good, and as a student seek learning but of course a good experience! I'm a good listener and a hard worker and want to have fun together! I want every student to achieve their goals here at USU!


  • I want to increase the amount of club support! This could be with planning and selecting committes, getting funds, and advertising their events! I will help increase Student Retension! By improving the atmosphere, support with professors, and tools available will naturally increase retenstion with improved experience! This could be health resources, advocating change in classroom situations, ect.! I will increase Student Involvement, we'll do this by increasing the number of activites CAAS hosts, and this can provide ways to interact and meet each other in this college family! I promise I will Advocate for Student Concerns and Individualized Academic Support!


Jaxon Hunt

Class Rank: Junior

Major(s): Outdoor Product Design and Development


Instagram: @jaxonhunt

Campaign Platform: As the land grant institution of Utah, my vision for the College of Agriculture is to use our many resources to cultivate community among our students. Community creates connection.


  • As a Dean Scholar and ambassador in the College of Agriculture and Applied Sciences, it has been a great privilege to work behind the scenes and make student events come alive. I have learned that it takes great effort to plan events, encourage student engagement, and help students feel involved. For the past couple of years, I have been involved in the HXP program. As a builder, trip leader, and now HXP ambassador, I help spread the word about humanitarian work opportunities. I feel that what qualifies me is my passion to foster positive change on and off campus.


  • During my meetings with Ken White, Dean of the College of Agriculture I plan to address both positive reports as well as concerns or issues that have been brought to my attention by students.  As a leader, it is important to me that each member of the council feels that they matter and play a crucial role. I want to make sure that the funds availiable for student events are being allocated in ways that are most benefical to our students.  To make this goal a reality I will implement surveys for students to discover what interests them. 

Candidates for College of Engineering Senator


Maddie Witte

Class Rank: Junior

Major(s): Environmental Engineering

Minor(s): Horticulture

Instagram: @maddie.g.witte

Campaign Platform: I have experience leading Engineering Council and planning college-wide events that impact the student body, and am ready to take on the responsibilites of Senator.



  • Current Engineering Student Council President and served as the council's Student Advocacy Director for the 2022-2023 school year. Worked extensively to help plan and execute Engineer's Week twice. Was elected President of a Young Adult chapter of the National Ski Patrol.


  • Encourage student engagement in college and club activites, work with the Dean's office and other colleges to build access to mental health support programs, and support Engineering Council in the planning of Engineer's Week.

Candidates for College of Humanities & Social Sciences Senator


Landry Hunter

Class Rank: Junior

Major(s): Law and Constitutional Studies

Minor(s): Sociology and Criminal Justice

Instagram: @landry_hunter

Campaign Platform: My slogan is "Lean on Lando!" My primary focus is making sure students feel like they can rely on me - whether that's through events, or in my Senate proceedings.


  • I have served on the student council for the College of Humanities and Social Sciences for two years, and as president this current year. This gives me an understanding of the college and its events. I also have taken on several leadership positions, such as the supervisor over a team at Fox. In my time at USU, I've maintained a high GPA while participating in events, a full time job, and volunteer work. This led to optimal organizational and time management skills. I also have a drive to be a voice for the students in their needs in CHaSS.


  • My primary objective is to foster a sense of community among students by creating new events that cater to all organizations present within our college, while still maintaining the traditions in place. Additionally, I would like to curate trust with the student body by working with the faculty and administrators in improving academic and mental health resources. Finally, I intend to collaborate with student organizations to celebrate diversity through events, workshops, and awareness campaigns. 

Candidates for College of Science Senator


Evan Anderson

Class Rank: Senior

Major(s): Computer Science

Minor(s): Multimedia Development, Web Development

Instagram: @evanmand

Campaign Platform: I will promote undergraduate research opportunities, revamp the Science Peer Mentorship Program, and work to mandate e-book alternatives to textbooks within the College of Science.


  • Active member of the College of Science Council, Computer Science Teaching Assistant, Assistant at the Crop Physiology Laboratory, Former Get Away Special Fellow, USU Esports Content Director, Shadowed the current College of Science senator at the Student Association Experience


  • Provide e-book alternatives to required textbooks within the College of Science, Combine all online study room reservation systems into one cohesive system, Increase the number of students involved in undergraduate research, Increase involvement in the Science Peer Mentorship Program

Candidates for Emma Eccles Jones College of Education & Human Services Senator


Halle Hart

Class Rank: Junior

Major(s): Recreation Aministration, Emphasis in Sports Management and Program/Event Management


Instagram: @hallehart8

Campaign Platform: Empower the College of Education and Human Services through active student engagement. Utilize event planning expertise for CEHS Week activities. Advocate for inclusive policies that celebrate and embrace diversity.


  • USU A-Team member, Connections Peer Mentor, USUSA Student Events member, Panhellenic VP Events



  • Seek student input and feedback to ensure that your representation aligns with the needs and concerns of the College of Education and Human Services community. Leverage my experience in event planning to create a wide range of activities that promote inclusivity in CEHS Week and throughout the school year. Advocate for inclusive policies and practices that celebrate and embrace diversity within the College of Education and Human Services.


Sydney Mathieson

Class Rank: Junior

Major(s): Elementary Education


Instagram: @syd_la_loo

Campaign Platform: In a college full of careers that enrich the lives of others, I will strive to enrich your college experience through helpful resources, meaningful opportunities, and authentic connection. 


  • I am a motivated student who genuinely cares about the voice and choice of students, and the quality of their educational experience. I am currently serving on the CEHS Student Council, and have gained valuable insight and knowledge about our college through hands on experience, leadership opportunities, and working collaboratively with peers from various majors in the College of Education and Human Services. 



  • Cultivate connection and unity in our college through keeping students informed on social media, promoting club participation, and listening to the ideas and needs of students. Provide easily accessible and valuable opportunities for students to apply for scholarships, find job shadowing contacts and access academic resources. Create activities and spaces where students can feel accepted and supported socially, academically, and emotionally by their peers, professors and advisors.

Candidates for Jon M. Huntsman School of Business Senator


Dylan Elliott

Class Rank: Sophomore

Major(s): Marketing


Instagram: @thedylanelliott

Campaign Platform: Foster a thriving, inclusive Huntsman community through ongoing initiatives. Enhance student-senator communication, ensuring a seamless exchange. Guarantee every student feels valued and embraced in extracurricular education, creating a welcoming environment.


  • With an extensive leadership background, I served as the Chair of Community Outreach in the 2023-2024 President's Cabinet. Additionally, my active role in the Business Council has cultivated a valuable connection with the current Business Senator, facilitating continuous learning and growth. This hands-on experience provided me with behind-the-scenes insights, establishing realistic expectations and granting me a solid foundation to hit the ground running. My diverse interests and knack for personal connections enable me to grasp and advocate for the majority of students. Infused with a contagious drive for continuous improvement, my proactive problem-solving approach inspires those collaborating with me.


  • Cultivate a thriving and inclusive Huntsman community through sustained initiatives. Improve student-senator communication by setting up a system of communication. Ensure every student feels valued and embraced in extracurricular education. Create a welcoming environment through inclusive policies and programs. Establish ongoing initiatives promoting diversity, equity, and inclusion. Implement forums for open dialogue to address student concerns. Evaluate and enhance accessibility and enjoyment of extracurricular activities for all students. Develop policies that prioritize the well-being and engagement of the student body. Encourage collaboration and participation in community-building activities. Foster a sense of belonging and shared identity within the Huntsman community.


Emerald Spencer

Class Rank:  Junior

Major(s): Finance


Instagram: @emerald_flora

Campaign Platform: Dare to Learn - Outside the Classroom. I want to start a Huntsman class visiting local businesses, expand the variety of job opportunities, and explore expanding business study abroad programs.


  • I've been president of DECA the past two years and completely transformed the club. I worked hard and tripled the club size, and we visited 12 different start-up companies last semester. I have connections with all those business owners that endorse my campaign and vision for the Dare to Learn platform. I've worked at the Huntsman Dean's office for three years and have connections and influence with the most powerful people making decisions for the school. I'm very familiar with all the school's programs and resources to help students succeed. I also currently serve on the Huntsman Scholars Presidency.


  • Create Huntsman Dare to Learn class - This will be a 1 credit class that goes on business field trips to local start-ups to apply what they’re learning and expand their interests. Last semester I did this with the DECA club and made connections with 12 passionate owners. Increase variety of companies that recruit at Huntsman – I’ve helped organize the last two career expos and students want more nonprofits, government agencies, and well-known corporations recruiting from Huntsman. Expand Huntsman study abroad programs- Huntsman SEED and global trips are popular, I want to create a semester abroad to earn a minor.

Candidates for School of Graduate Studies Senator

No candidates

Candidates for S.J. & Jessie E. Quinney College of Natural Resources Senator


Abbigail Lane

Class Rank: Junior

Major(s): Wildlife Ecology

Minor(s): Biology, Fisheries Science

Instagram: @abbylane1_

Campaign Platform: Represent and ADVOCATE for QCNR students' best interests, Foster CONNECTIONS among students and faculty, Inform and connect students with OPPORTUNITIES to further education and careers


  • Outreach Coordinator, The Wildlife Society: USU Chapter, Advocacy Chair, QCNR Student Council, QCNR Representative, College Advocacy Council, Created and distributed QCNR Advocacy Survey amongst the college


  • Standardize R education, work with DEI committee to implement diversity initiatives, plan more college-wide educational and social events, and help organize/execute QCNR Camp.

Eastern Service Region Council Candidates

Candidates for Eastern Service Region Director of Diversity, Equity & Inclusion 


Esi Johnson

Class Rank: Freshman

Major(s): Psychology

Minor(s): Medicine

Instagram: @johnson_esi

Campaign Platform: I want to bring everyone closer on campus and I feel like I can do a good job at that 


  • Diversity rep - present


  • Bring people closer on campus

Candidates for Eastern Service Region Director of Student Events 


Lilian Hyde

Class Rank: Freshman

Major(s): Marketing


Instagram: @lilygrace_11

Campaign Platform: Prioritizing YOUR voice, YOUR interests, & YOUR needs to create campus events that build connections and foster friendships


  • Over 9 years experience in student government and leadership. Currently serving as the Traditions/Events Coordinator on the USUSA. Organized various events including: True Eagle, High Stakes Bingo, & Casino Night.


  • Ensure that all voices are heard, valued, and incorporated into event planning decisions. Hold events at convenient times and locations to accommodate various schedules and preferences. Create inclusive events to develop friendships and build connections that benefit all students.

Candidates for Eastern Service Region Student Advocate 

b shaun

B. Shaun Bryner

Class Rank: Junior

Major(s): Health Education and Promotion, Emphasis in Health Science

Minor(s): Chemistry and Biology

Instagram: @b.shaun.b

Campaign Platform: Building on last year's successes, I'll amplify student voices, improve and maintain accessible resources, and drive positive campus changes. Let's shape a campus that truly reflects your needs and aspirations.


  • While I could discuss at length my academic and professional merits, I believe my most prominent qualification is the progress I have already achieved in my position as Student Adovcate. I established the Snacks with Shaun event to provide students with consistent, easily accessible, and, most importantly, personal avenue for discussing campus issues. From this event, I've been able to successfully implement several student suggestions, such as freely available hygiene products, and provided automatic student access to the BDAC (In progress). Beyond this, I have facilitated student events that market a variety of campus resources and their associated faculty. 


  • I aim to improve upon and maintain the programs I have already established. While Snacks with Shaun was successful, it only reached a limited audience; I want to expand its reach and ultimately transform it into a platform that can address student concerns well into the future. I would also like to invest more effort into maintaining and improving the accessibility of student resources. On another note, the events I have planned have been positively received, but moving forward, I would prefer to make my events more unique and engaging for the student body. Please reach out to hear more.