Arts & Humanities

All Undergrad Team Gets First Opportunity to Lead Costume Design for a USU Production

By Taylor Emerson |

Video by Taylor Emerson, Digital Journalist, University Marketing & Communications

For the first time, three Utah State University undergraduates are leading the costume design for an upcoming theater production. Typically the costume design is lead by professors Lydia Semler and Nancy Hills, with the aid of graduate students or a single undergrad.

However, with the pandemic cancelling shows over the last two years, undergraduates in the Costume Design program needed opportunities to expand their portfolios. So Hills and Semler decided to offer up the chance to lead the design process to their students.

Opening 7:30 p.m. April 15 in the Morgan Theatre and running through April 23, "9 to 5 The Musical" is directed by guest director Valerie Rachelle and features music and lyrics by Dolly Parton. The play is based on the book by Patricia Resnick and will also mark the completion of the monthslong process of concepting, creating and correcting the costumes for their debut on the stage.


Taylor Emerson
Digital Journalist
University Marketing and Communications
(435) 797-2262


Lydia Semler
Assistant Professor of Professional Practice
Costume Design


Arts 243stories Theatre 91stories

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