Teaching & Learning

Faculty Mentor: USU Connections in Second Year Offering Faculty Mentorship to Students

By Taylor Emerson |

Utah State University's Connections program is in the second year of offering a year-long faculty mentorship to students. From homework and class questions, to helping finding student resources on campus, to helping with learning to drive in the snow, the mentor will offer what they can to support their students through their first year at USU. Hear from a Connections faculty, and a student from last year’s program, on how they felt it went, and how they were impacted.


Taylor Emerson
Digital Journalist
University Marketing and Communications
(435) 797-2262


Jennifer Grewe
Program Director
USU Connections
(435) 554 1218

Harrison Kleiner
Office of the Executive Vice President and Provost/Communication Studies and Philosophy
Associate Vice Provost, Associate Professor


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