Arts & Humanities

'Fotosommer 2013 Norway' Exhibition

A number of Utah State University students traveled to Norway during summer 2013 to participate in a photography study abroad program, and now, examples of their artwork can be seen in the “Fotosommer 2013 Norway” Exhibition Sept. 30-Oct. 16 in Gallery 102 of the Chase Fine Arts Center. Gallery 102 is open weekdays 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.

The students have worked since spring 2013 to prepare for the exhibit. Throughout their trip to Norway they spent long nights brainstorming ideas and expanding their projects. Since they’ve returned to USU the students have worked to bring their show to its final stages.

Eight students traveled and Norway and eight students returned, according to participant Lisa Baker, who said there were a few “bumps along the way,” including “a huge lack of working wifi.”

But, all agreed, it was an adventure they would never forget.

The students spent their days hiking to waterfalls and taking photos. They got lost and were chased by cows, but each time they reached the summit they were convinced the view couldn’t get better, but it did.

The students also had opportunities to visit museums and saw classics from old masters, including Edvard Munch. Finally, a favorite activity was taking a cruise through the Norwegian fjords.

Accompanying the USU students was faculty member Carsten Meier.

An open house reception for “Fotosommer 2013 Norway” is Oct, 4, from 5-7 p.m. in Gallery 102. The students promise live music and “yummy refreshments.”

Related links:

USU Study Abroad

USU Department of Art and Design

USU Caine College of the Arts

Source: Department of Art and Design students

USU photography students in Norway photograph scenery

Much better than a selfie.

USU photography students in Norway

USU students in Norway, (left to right) Jessica Lukenbil, Jamie Duke, Kristin Wayman, Alyse Ottoson, Austin Allen and Peter Wiarda. Examples from their study abroad trip can be seen in Gallery 102 Sept. 30-Oct. 16. An opening reception is Oct. 4.

Study Abroad Norway exhibit poster


Study Abroad 47stories Photography 39stories

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