Arts & Humanities

Going Postal

Utah State University’s Theatre Arts Department opens the 2012-13 season with Mauritius Oct. 2 at 7:30 p.m. in the Black Box Theater, Room 224, of the Chase Fine Arts Center on the Logan campus.

The show focuses on a pair of half-sisters, Jackie and Mary, who are mourning their recently deceased mother. The siblings must decide what to do with a rare stamp collection that’s been left to them equally. Neither sibling truly knows the value of the stamp collection; however, there are three eager philatelists willing to help.

Mauritius examines what causes people to behave badly,” said Leslie Brott, the play’s director. “This has been an interesting challenge for the students because the show requires the actors to develop an intimate relationship with the audience.”

The student designers are also working with the challenges of limited budget and space, said Brott. The students are tasked to create four distinct locations within a 24-foot-wide playing space of the Black Box Theatre to be used by five characters with extremely different backgrounds. All are brought together by two tiny slips of paper.

“The characters will do anything and everything to get what they want, no matter who they have to bulldoze along the way,” said Gordon Dunn, a USU senior working on his bachelor of fine arts.

Mauritius runs Oct. 2-6 in the Black Box Theater. Tickets are $13 general admission, $10 seniors and youth, $8 USU faculty and staff and free for USU students with valid ID. For more information and tickets visit the CCA Box Office in room 139-B in the Chase Fine Arts Center, 435-797-8022 or at the Caine College of the Arts website.

This play contains strong language and is not recommended for children under the age of 13.

Related links:

USU Theatre Arts Department

USU Caine College of the Arts

Writer: Kara Rindlisbacher, 435-797-9203,

Contact: Denise Albiston, 435-797-1500,

Utah State Theatre, Mauritius poster, promotional image

Utah State Theatre, the production arm of the Theatre Arts Department at Utah State University, opens its season with 'Mauritius' Tuesday, Oct. 2, 7:30 p.m., Black Box Theatre, Chase Fine Arts Center. The play continues through Oct. 6.


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