Arts & Humanities

The Miraculous Journey of Edward Tulane, Takes Stage in USU's Morgan Theatre

Actor Anne Marie Kate with Edward Tulane.

The Miraculous Journey of Edward Tulane, adapted by Dwayne Hartford from the book by Kate DiCamillo, runs at 7:30 p.m. on October 4 and 11 and 2 p.m. on October 5 and 12 in Utah State University’s Morgan Theatre. 

Edward Tulane is an expensive toy rabbit made of china. For his owner, Abilene, Edward Tulane is a beloved toy, but the rabbit is vain, self-centered and seemingly has no interest in anything besides himself. When he is accidentally thrown overboard to sea, his real journey begins. Edward is passed around to many different people. Through his heartwarming journey, Edward learns about love, loss, kindness and compassion.

The show is directed by Matt Omasta, director of theatre education in the Caine College of the Arts. Omasta said most plays for young people feature a child or adolescent as the protagonist, but this show does not.  

“While young characters appear in the play, the show is ultimately about a toy rabbit who cannot speak or move,” Omasta said. “While I do not generally associate hope and inspiration with inanimate objects, this play tells one of the most moving stories I have ever had the privilege of helping to share.” 

Omasta believes that The Miraculous Journey of Edward Tulane will remind audience members of what is important, and why. 

The Miraculous Journey of Edward Tulane cast includes Cameron Eastland, Cat Evangelho, Nicole Frederick, Anne-Marie Kate, Cameron S. Neeley, Hanna Speer and Rebecca Swan.

Tickets for The Miraculous Journey of Edward Tulane are $13 adults, $10 seniors/youth, $8 USU faculty/staff and free for USU students with ID. For more information or tickets, contact the CCA Box Office in room L101 of the Chase Fine Arts Center on USU’s campus, call 435-797-8022, or go online to

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