University Affairs

USU to Require Student Vaccine for Spring Semester

Editor's note: The following letter was emailed to USU students and employees from President Noelle E. Cockett on Aug. 27, 2021.

Dear Students, Faculty and Staff,

Just before noon today, the Utah Board of Higher Education issued a letter encouraging USHE colleges and university presidents to consider requiring COVID-19 vaccines for their students. Utah State University officials are now working on an implementation plan for USU campuses. Vaccination will be required no later than the beginning of spring semester 2022. As outlined in Utah Code section 53B-2-113, students can opt out for religious, medical, and personal reasons.

Students want to be in face-to-face classes and participate in activities and events, and we want to make sure they can enjoy all the traditions and opportunities that make being an Aggie so special. COVID-19 vaccines are our most important tool in the fight against COVID-19 and will help us keep classes and activities in person while protecting the health of all campus community members.

Students who have already been fully vaccinated should upload their vaccination record now. Students who can be vaccinated should make plans to visit a vaccination clinic. Clinics on the USU Logan campus offer the fully approved Pfizer vaccine, are free, and open to students and employees. The first Logan clinic is scheduled for Day on the Quad on Wednesday, Sept. 1. Pre-registration is not required.

Fully vaccinated individuals do not have to quarantine unless they have symptoms, and students who are not fully vaccinated are more likely to have to quarantine one or more times during the semester.

We will be sharing more details for this vaccination requirement in the coming days. Thank you for doing your part in helping us keep our Aggie family healthy.


Noelle E. Cockett



Amanda DeRito
Associate VP of Strategic Communications
University Marketing and Communications


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