Michelle Baker


Dean and Professor

Michelle Baker

Contact Information

Office Location: ESLC 245J / BNR 235E
Phone: (435) 797-7131
Email: mbaker@biology.usu.edu
Additional Information:

Educational Background

PhD, Biology, (Ecosystem Ecology, Hydrogeology), University of New Mexico, 1998
Organic Carbon Cycling in Groundwater
BS, Biology, Lafayette College, 1992

Teaching Interests

General Ecology Ecosystem Ecology Biogeochemistry

Research Interests

A goal of my research is to understand how water movement within the landscape influences ecosystem structure and function. I use an interdisciplinary approach, involving tools from ecology, hydrology, and geochemistry to ask questions about how hydrologic linkages within watersheds influence energy flow and nutrient cycling.


Pioneers of Progress Award for Science and Technology, 2017

Days of '47, Inc.

Governor's Medal for Science and Technology, 2016

Utah Governor's Office

University Faculty Service Award, 2015

College of Science

Researcher of the Year, 2014

College of Science

Undergraduate Research Mentor of the Year, 2013

College of Science

Researcher of the Year, 2013

Department of Biology

Best Paper Award, 2006

Soil Science Society of America

USU Mortar Board Top Professor, 2005

Hynes Award for New Investigators, 2001

Wildco Award for Best Orgal Presentation by a Student in Basic Research, 1998

The North American Benthological Society

Outstanding Student Presentation Award, 1996

American Geophysical Union

Willis Roberts Hunt Prize, 1992

Publications | Abstracts

  • Van Miegroet, H., Boettinger, J.L, Baker, M.A, (2006). Soil organic carbon quality in wildland soils: What is it and why is it important?. 2006 Agronomy Abstracts (CD)
  • Van Miegroet, H., Boettinger, J.L, Baker, M.A, (2004). Potential sensitivity of soil carbon in semi-arid forest-rangeland soils to climate change. 2004 Agronomy Abstracts (CD)
  • Van Miegroet, H., Boettinger, J.L, Baker, M.A, (2003). Differences in stability of soil organic carbon in semi-arid rangeland-forest mosaics in Northern Utah, USA.
  • Van Miegroet, H., Boettinger, J.L, Baker, M.A, Nielsen, J., (2003). Soil carbon distribution and quality in seasonally dry rangeland -forest mosaics in the Intermountain West.

An asterisk (*) at the end of a publication indicates that it has not been peer-reviewed.

    Publications | Book Chapters

  • Baker, M.A, Webster, J.R, (2017). Chapter 30: Conservative and Reactive Solute Dynamics: Methods in Stream Ecology. Academic Press
  • Baker, M.A, Arp, C.D, Goodman, K.J, Marcarelli, A.M, Wurtsbaugh, W.A, (2016). Stream-lake interactions: influence on stream ecosystem functioning: Streams in a Changing Environment. Elsevier
  • Baker, M.A, Dahm, C.N, Valett, H.M, (2000). Anoxia, anaerobic metabolism biogeochemistry of the stream water- ground water interface: Streams and Ground Waters. Academic Press
  • Kinkead, J., Baker, M.A, (1994). Using Microteaching to Evaluate Teaching Assistants: Evaluating Teachers of Writing. Urbana: NCTE

An asterisk (*) at the end of a publication indicates that it has not been peer-reviewed.

Publications | Journal Articles

Academic Journal

  • Wood, R.L, Stark, J.M, Aanderud, Z.T, Baker, M.A, Evaluation of nutrient assimilative capacity in waterfowl impoundments: the role of environmental stressors. Journal of Environmental Quality
  • Wood, R.L, Baker, M.A, (2023). Assessing nutrient assimilation by wetland impoundments across environmental gradients. Wetlands, 43, doi: https://doi.org/10.1007/s13157-023-01711-5
  • E, K.J, Baker, M.A, (2022). Organic matter sources and composition in four watersheds with mixed land cover. Hydrobiologia, 849, 2663-2682. doi: https://doi.org/10.1007/s10750-022-04884-y
  • Spackman Jones, A., Aanderud, Z.T, Horsburgh, J.S, Eiriksson, D., Dastrup, D., Cox, C., Jones, S.B, Bowling, D.R, Carlisle, J., Carling, G.T, Baker, M.A, (2017). Designing and Implementing a Network for Sensing Water Quality and Hydrology Across Mountain to Urban Transitions. Journal of the American Water Resources Association (JAWRA), doi: 10.1111/1752-1688.12557
  • Hall, S.J, Ogata, E.M, Baker, M.A, Ehleringer, J.R, Weintraub, S.R, Czimczik, C., Bowling, D.R, (2016). Convergence in nitrogen deposition and cryptic isotopic variation across urban and agricultural valleys in northern Utah. Journal of Geophysical Research - Biogeosciences, 121:9, 2340-2355. doi: 10.1002/2016JG003354
  • Brunson, M.W, Baker, M.A, (2016). Translational training for tomorrow's environmental scientists. Journal of Environmental Studies and Sciences, 6:2, 295-299. doi: DOI 10.1007/s13412-015-0333-x
  • Hall, S.J, Baker, M.A, Jones, S.B, Stark, J.M, Bowling, D.R, (2016). Contrasting soil nitrogen dynamics across a montane meadow and urban lawn in a semi-arid watershed. Urban Ecosystems, doi: 10.1007/s11252-016-0538-0
  • Hall, S.J, Weintraub, S.R, Eiriksson, D., Brooks, P.D, Baker, M.A, Bowen, G.J, Bowling, D.R, (2016). Stream nitrogen inputs reflect groundwater across a snowmelt-dominated montane to urban watershed. Environmental Science and Technology, 50, 1137-1146.
  • Kelso, J.E, Baker, M.A, (2015). Filtering with a drill pump: an efficient and cost effective method to collect suspended sediment and filtrate. Journal of the American Water Resources Association
  • Hall, S.J, Hale, R.L, Baker, M.A, Bowling, D.R, Ehleringer, J.R, (2015). Riparian plant isotopes reflect anthropogenic nitrogen perturbations: robust patterns across land use gradients. Ecosphere
  • Hall, R.O, Tank, J.L, Baker, M.A, Rosi-Marshall, E.J, Hotchkiss, E.R, (2015). Metabolism, gas exchange, and carbon spiraling in rivers. Ecosystems
  • Reisinger, A.J, Tank, J.L, Rosi-Marshall, E.J, Hall, R.O, Baker, M.A, (2015). The varying role of water column nutrient removal along river continua in contrasting landscapes. Biogeochemistry, 125, 115-131.
  • Hale, R.L, Armstrong, A., Baker, M.A, Bedingfield, S., Betts, D., Buahin, C., Buchert, M., Crowl, T.A, Dupont, R.R, Ehleringer, J., Endter-Wada, J.L, Flint, C., Grant, J., Hinners, S., Horsburgh, J.S, Jackson-Smith, D., Jones, A.S, Licon, C., Null, S., Odame, A., Pataki, D.E, Rosenberg, D.E, Runburg, M., Stoker, P., Strong, C., (2015). iSAW: Integrating Structure, Actors, and Water to Study Socio-Hydro-Ecological Systems. Earth's Future/AGU , doi: 10.1002/2014EF000295
  • Hotchkiss, E.R, Hall, R.O, Baker, M.A, Rosi-Marshall, E.J, Tank, J.L, (2014). Modeling priming effects on microbial consumption of dissolved organic carbon in rivers. Journal of Geophysical Research - Biogeosciences, 119, doi: doi:10.1002/2013JG002599
  • Hall, R.O, Baker, M.A, Rosi-Marshall, E.J, Tank, J.L, Newbold, J., (2013). Solute specific scaling of inorganic nitrogen and phosphorus uptake in streams. . Biogeosciences, doi: doi:10.5194/bg-10-1-2013
  • Hall, R.O, Baker, M.A, Rosi-Marshall, E.J, Tank, J.L, (2013). Solute specific scaling of inorganic nitrogen and phosphorus uptake in stream. Biogeosciences Discussions, 10, 6671-6693. doi: doi:10.5194/bgd-10-6671-2013
  • Epstein, D.M, Wurtsbaugh, W.A, Baker, M.A, (2012). Nitrogen partitioning and transport through a subalpine lake measured with an isotope tracer. Limnology and Oceanography, 57, 1503-1516.
  • Washbourne, I.J, Crenshaw, C.L, Baker, M.A, (2011). Dissimilatory nitrate reduction pathways in an oligotrophic aquatic ecosystem: spatial and temporal trends. Aquatic Microbial Ecology , 65, 55-64. doi: doi:10/3354/ame01538
  • Zarnetske, J.P, Haggerty, R., Wondzell, S.M, Baker, M.A, (2011). Dynamics of nitrate production and removal as a function of residence time in the hyporheic zone: a 15N tracer study. Journal of Geophysical Research - Biogeosciences, doi: doi:10.1029/2010JG001356
  • Zarnetske, J.P, Haggerty, R.D, Wondzell, S.M, Baker, M.A, (2011). Labile dissolved organic carbon supply limits hyporheic denitrification.. Journal of Geophysical Research - Biogeosciences, doi: doi:10.1029/2011JG001730
  • Goodman, K.J, Baker, M.A, Wurtsbaugh, W.A, (2011). Lakes as buffers of stream dissolved organic matter (DOM) variability: Temporal patterns of DOM characteristics in mountain stream-lake systems. Journal of Geophysical Research - Biogeosciences
  • Goodman, K.J, Baker, M.A, Wurtsbaugh, W.A, (2010). Mountain lakes increase stream cellulose decomposition potential. Journal of the North American Benthological Society, 29, 521-529.
  • Covino, T., McGlynn, B., Baker, M.A, (2010). Separating physical and biological nutrient retention and quantifying uptake kinetics from ambient to saturation in successive mountain stream reaches. Journal of Geophysical Research - Biogeosciences, 115, G04010. doi: doi:10.1029/2009JG001263
  • Baker, M.A, deGuzman, J., Ostermiller, J.D, (2009). Differences in nitrate uptake among benthic algal assemblages in a mountain stream. Journal of the North American Benthological Society, 28, 24-33.
  • Hall, R.O, Baker, M.A, Arp, C.D, Koch, B.J, (2009). Hydrologic control of nitrogen removal, storage and export in a mountain stream. Limnology and Oceanography, 54, 2128-2142.
  • Biggs, M.A, Gooseff, M.N, Arp, C.D, Baker, M.A, (2009). Informing a stream transient storage model with two-storage zones to discriminate in-channel dead zones and hyporheic exchange. Water Resources Research, 45
  • Goodman, K., Baker, M.A, Wurtsbaugh, W.A, (2009). Mountain lakes increase organic matter decomposition rates in streams. N. Am. Benthological Soc., 29, 521-529.
  • Tank, J.L, Rosi-Marshall, E.J, Baker, M.A, Hall, R.O, (2008). Are rivers just big streams? Using a pulse method to measure nitrogen demand in a large river.. Ecology, 89, 2935-2945.
  • Roethlisberger, J.D, Baker, M.A, Frost, P.C, (2008). Effects of periphyton stoichiometry on mayfly excretion rates and nutrient ratios. Journal of the North American Benthological Society, 27, 497-508.
  • Marcarelli, A.M, Baker, M.A, Wurtsbaugh, W.A, (2008). Is in-stream nitrogen fixation an important nitrogen source for benthic communities and steam ecosystems?. J. N. Am. Benthological Soc., 27, 186-211. doi: 10.1899/07-027.1
  • Marcarelli, A.M, Baker, M.A, Wurtsbaugh, W.A, (2008). Is in-stream nitrogen fixation an important nitrogen source for benthic communities and stream ecosystems? . Journal of the North American Benthological Society, 27, 186-211.
  • Vinson, M.R, Baker, M.A, (2008). Poor growth of rainbow trout (Oncorhynus mykiss) fed New Zealand mud snails (Potamopyrgus antipodarum). North American Journal of Fisheries Management, 28, 701-709.
  • Arp, C.D, Baker, M.A, (2007). Discontinuities in stream nutrient uptake below lakes in mountain drainage networks. Limnology and Oceanography, 52, 1978-1990.
  • Myers, w.K, Marcarelli, A.M, Arp, C.D, Baker, M.A, Wurtsbaugh, W.A, (2007). Disruptions of stream sediment size and stability by lakes affects periphyton biomass in mountain watersheds. J. N. Am. Benthological Soc., 26, 390-400.
  • Myers, A.K, Marcarelli, A.M, Arp, C.D, Baker, M.A, Wurtsbaugh, W., (2007). Disruptions of stream sediment size and stability by lakes in mountain watersheds: potential effects on periphyton biomass. Journal of the North American Benthological Society, 26, 234-245.
  • Arp, C.D, Schmidt, J.C, Baker, M.A, Myers, A.K, (2007). Stream geomorphology in a mountain lake district: Sediment links, lake-modified hydraulics, and downstream lake effects. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, 32, 525-543.
  • Arp, C.D, Schmidt, J.C, Baker, M.A, Myers, A.K, (2007). Stream geomorphology in a mountain lake district: hydraulic geometry, sediment sources and sinks, and downstream lake effects.. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms , 32:4, 525-543 . doi: doi:10.1002/esp.1421
  • Arp, C.D, Gooseff, M.N, Baker, M.A, Wurtsbaugh, W., (2006). Surface-water hydrodynamics and regimes of a small mountain stream-lake ecosystem. Journal of Hydrology, 329, 500-513.
  • Arp, C.D, Gooseff, M.A, Baker, M.A, Wurtsbaugh, W.A, (2006). Surface-water hydrodynamics and regimes of a small mountain stream-lake ecosystem. Limnol. Oceanogr., 53, 2715-2718.
  • Mendelson III, J.R, Brodie, Jr., E.D, Malone, J.M, Acevedo, M.E, Baker, M.A, Smatresk, N.J, Campbell, J.A, (2005). Amphibian chytridomycosis in Guatemala: Decline of a cloud-forest frog fauna. Revista en Biologia Tropical- Journal of Tropical Biology , 54, 991-1000.
  • Wurtsbaugh, W.A, Baker, M.A, Gross, H.P, Brown, P.D, (2005). Lakes at nutrient "sources" for watersheds: A landscape analysis of the temporal flux of nitrogen through sub-alpine lakes and streams. Verh. Int. Ver. Limnol., 29:2, 645-649.
  • van Miegroet, H., Boettinger, J.L, Baker, M.A, Nielsen, J., Evans, D., Stum, A., (2005). Soil carbon distribution and quality in a montane rangeland-forest mosaic in northern Utah. Forest Ecology and Management, 220, 284-299.
  • Valett, H.M, Baker, M.A, Morrice, J.A, Crawford, C.S, Molles, M.C, Dahm, C.N, Moyer, D.L, Thibault, J.R, (2005). The flood pulse in a semi-arid riparian forest: metabolic and biogeochemical responses to inter-flood interval. Ecology, 86, 220-234.
  • Van Miegroet, H., Boettinger, J.L, Baker, M.A, Nielsen, J., Evans, D., Stum, A., (2005). Soil carbon distribution and quality in a montane rangeland-forest mosaic in Northern Utah.. Forest Ecology and Management, 220, 284-299.
  • Baker, M.A, Vervier, P., (2004). Hydrologic variability, organic matter supply, and denitrification in the Garonne River ecosystem. Freshwater Biology, 49, 181-190.
  • Dahm, C.N, Baker, M.A, Moore, D.I, Thibault, J.R, (2003). Biogeochemistry of surface waters and alluvial ground waters in streams and rivers during drought. Freshwater Biology, 48, 1219-1231.
  • Baker, M.A, (2003). Improving quantitative understanding using spreadsheet models. Ecology, 83, 3524-3525. *
  • Vervier, P., Roques, L., Baker, M.A, Garabetian, F., Auriol, P., (2002). Biodegredation of dissolved free simple carbohydrates in surface, hyporheic and riparian waters of a large river. Archiv für Hydrobiologie , 153, 595-604.
  • Baker, M.A, (2001). Ecology readings from the University of Wisconsin. Ecology, 82:1, 262. *
  • Baker, M.A, Valett, H.M, Dahm, C.N, (2000). Organic carbon supply and metabolism in a near-stream groundwater ecosystem. Ecology, 81, 3133-3148.

In-House Journal

    An asterisk (*) at the end of a publication indicates that it has not been peer-reviewed.

    Publications | Technical Reports

    Research Reports

    • Baker, M.A, Hochhalter, S.J, Lytle, E.J, (2009). Final Report: research to inform nutrient endpoints in Spring Creek, Utah.. Report to the Utah Division of Water Quality
    • Baker, M.A, Hochhalter, S.J, Lytle, E.J, (2008). Research to inform nutrient endpoints in East Canyon Creek, Utah.. Report to the Utah Division of Water Quality
    • Covich, A.P, Baker, M.A, Behneke, R., Blinn, D.W, Carter, L.M, Chambers, J., Crowl, T.A, Dobrowolski, J.P, Hawkins, C.P, Luecke, C., Miller, J., Poff, L.N, Rahel, F.J, Schmidt, J.C, Selby, S., Sheldon, A.L, Vinson, M., Wagner, F.H, (2003). Natural Ecosystems II- Aquatic Ecosystems: Rocky Mountain/Great Basin Regional Climate Change Assessment. Report for the U.S. Global Change Research Program

    Other Reports

    • Baker, M.A, Hochhalter, S.J, Lytle, E.J, (2008). Research to inform nutrient endpoints in East Canyon Creek, Utah. Report to the Utah Division of Water Quality

    An asterisk (*) at the end of a publication indicates that it has not been peer-reviewed.

    Publications | Other


    • Baker, M.A, (2000). Perspectives on graduate education: Experience in aquatic science. Bulletin of the American Society for Limnology and Oceanography

    An asterisk (*) at the end of a publication indicates that it has not been peer-reviewed.


    BIOL 1010 - Biology and the Citizen, Fall 2019
    BIOL 6200 - Biogeochemistry, Fall 2017
    BIOL 7750 - Topics in Biology, Fall 2017
    BIOL 6750 - Topics in Biology, Fall 2015
    BIOL 6750 - Topics in Biology, Fall 2014
    BIOL,NR 2220 - General Ecology, Spring 2014
    BIOL,NR 2220 - General Ecology, Spring 2013
    BIOL 2220 - General Ecology, Spring 2012
    BIOL,NR 2220 - General Ecology, Spring 2012
    NR 2220 - General Ecology, Spring 2012
    BIOL 6750 - Special Topics: Foundations of Ecology, Spring 2012
    BIOL 2220 - GENERAL ECOLOGY, Spring 2011
    NR 2220 - GENERAL ECOLOGY, Spring 2011

    Graduate Students Mentored

    Allyson Marrs, Biology, August 2020
    Adelle Smith-Eskridge, Biology, August 2019
    Rachel Buck, Biology, August 2016
    Suzan Tahir, Watershed Sciences, August 2014
    Elizabeth Ogata, Biology, August 2013 - June 2020
    Julie Kelso, Biology, January 2013 - October 2018
    Matthew Schroer, Biology, August 2010 - August 2014
    Joe Crawford, Watershed Sciences, January 2011 - May 2013
    Scarlett Vallaire, Biology, August 2007 - May 2013
    Keli Goodman, 2010
    Sam Hochalter, 2009
    Andrew Myers, Watershed Sciences, August 2005 - February 2008