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Thursday, February 25

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Paper & Clay


Paper & Clay is a national juried BFA & MFA exhibition open to all BFA & MFA printmaking and ceramic students from across the country. This year’s exhibition showcases 53 exceptional contemporary student works from 22 various academic institutions.

9:00 am - 5:00 pm | Chase Fine Arts Center, Tippetts and Eccles Galleries |

T4L Conference: Overcoming Distance, Disruption, and Distraction


We are excited to announce the 5th annual Teaching for Learning (T4L) Conference co-hosted by Utah State University, Southern Utah University, and Brigham Young University. This year's conference outlines the many factors that are distracting our students and offers both practical and theoretical approaches to overcoming those obstacles. During this one-day conference, participants will have the opportunity to make connections with other instructors, take home great ideas for teaching, and stay current on research in teaching and learning.

9:00 am - 4:45 pm | Online/Virtual |

Gallery East - USU Eastern Art Faculty Exhibit


Four Utah State University Eastern art instructors have paintings, photographs and sculpture on display in this month’s Gallery East exhibit. The exhibit runs from Feb. 1 - 26, 2021

9:00 am - 5:00 pm |

Calculator Quick Draw

Student Activities

Come join SWE for the Engineer's Week annual Calculator Quick Draw! Get a chance to show off how well you know and can use your calculator by using it to solve various difficulties of math problems in a quiz-style competition. The first-place winner will receive a $50 gift card, second place $30, and third place $20. Join us over Zoom on Thursday, February 25th at 9 am:
Hope to see you there!

9:00 am - 10:00 am |

Professor Pop-Quiz

Student Activities

Get to know your professors and learn what their favorite hobbies are! Join the Engineering Tutoring Center for a Kahoot quiz where the top three participants will win a prize!

11:30 am - 12:30 pm |

BMES Virtual Tour of Biofire

Student Activities

A technical explanation and virtual tour of Biofire Defense lead by Dr. Abram Bernard to inspire and motivate current Biological Engineering Students here at USU.

2:00 pm - 3:00 pm |

Why Utah? In-State Opportunities in Financial Services

Panel Discussion/Presentation

You don’t need to leave the things you love about Utah to have a great career in financial services. Join us for a conversation about growing career opportunities for new grads and hear from a panel of professionals at Fidelity, Goldman Sachs, Morgan Stanley, Hillcrest Bank, and Zions Bank about what a typical day looks like in the roles you could soon be in. RSVP to attend.

All majors/class levels welcome. This event was organized in conjunction with the Eccles School of Business.

4:00 pm - 4:45 pm | Online/Virtual |

More Than a Body: Building Body Image Resilience


The Utah Women & Leadership Project invites you to join us for our second spring workshop of the academic year.

Our beauty-obsessed world perpetuates the idea that happiness, health, and the ability to be loved are dependent on how we look, but Lindsay and Lexie Kite offer an alternative vision. With insights drawn from their extensive body image research, Lindsay and Lexie—PhDs, founders of the nonprofit Beauty Redefined, and authors of the new book More Than a Body—lay out an action plan that arms you with the skills you need to reconnect with your whole self and free yourself from the constraints of self-objectification.

From media consumption to health and fitness to self-reflection and self-compassion, Lindsay and Lexie share powerful and practical advice that goes beyond “body positivity” to help develop body image resilience—all while cutting through the empty promises sold by media, advertisers, and the beauty and weight-loss industries. In the process, they show how facing your feelings of body shame or embarrassment can become a catalyst for personal growth.

Register to join.

6:00 pm - 7:15 pm | Online/Virtual |

Science Trivia Night with ANS

Student Activities

The American Nuclear Society is hosting a virtual trivia night, complete with some pretty fantabulous prizes for all you true geeks among us!! Come get your nerd on by beating your friends to the punch answering questions about engineering, science, and general fun facts (we can’t promise we won’t throw in some nuclear flavor in there as well).

6:00 pm - 7:00 pm |

CHaSS Special Event: The Value of an Inclusive Education

Special Event

CHaSS is pleased to host a conversation with three prominent alumni working for organizations that employ and serve diverse populations. Come hear alumni of color reflect on their time at USU and discuss its impact on their careers. Join the discussion co-moderated by Angela Diaz and Ross Peterson.

Charisse Bremond Weaver (BA Journalism ’87), President & CEO of the Brotherhood Crusade, leads a team to directly serve low-income individuals between the ages of 10-24, impacting more than 20,000 youth, young adults, and families each year.

Tyrone (Ty) E. Couey (BS History ’71) is a founding member and President of the National Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCU) Alumni Associations Foundation.

Michael McCullough (BS Political Science ’84) serves as Executive Vice President and Chief Marketing Officer for the Miami Heat. Michael has a 33-year track record for creating one of the most recognized promotional campaigns in professional sports.

6:30 pm - 7:30 pm | Online/Virtual |




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