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November 2020

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Faith Challenges Group


This is a support group for students who would like an emotionally safe environment to discuss issues related to faith that create stress (e.g., having faith doubts or internal conflict with elements of your faith, clarifying your spiritual identity, stresses associated with faith transitions, finding a spiritual place of belonging, talking to those of different faiths, etc.). The topic of the day will be motivated by those who participate that day. This group will be facilitated by Monique Frazier, a psychologist from USU Counseling and Psychological Services (CAPS).

2:30 pm - 3:45 pm |

Covey Leadership Fellows Book Club


Refreshments provided

Study the lives and practices of some of histories greatest leaders, then discuss and apply the principles with the Covey Leadership Fellows.

Join the Covey Leadership Fellows now to participate in our monthly book discussion.

Fall books:
September - Lean In: Women, Work and he Will to Lead, Sheryl Sandberg
October - The Boys in the Boat, Daniel James Brown
November - How to Win Friends and Influence People, Dale Carnegie

Zoom: https://usu-edu.zoom.us/j/83562119502?pwd=OTVPMGtiUGRpWGtzaXVMd1ZEZlVYZz09

7:00 pm - 8:00 pm | Online/Virtual |

Faith Challenges Group


This is a support group for students who would like an emotionally safe environment to discuss issues related to faith that create stress (e.g., having faith doubts or internal conflict with elements of your faith, clarifying your spiritual identity, stresses associated with faith transitions, finding a spiritual place of belonging, talking to those of different faiths, etc.). The topic of the day will be motivated by those who participate that day. This group will be facilitated by Monique Frazier, a psychologist from USU Counseling and Psychological Services (CAPS).

2:30 pm - 3:45 pm |

Faith Challenges Group


This is a support group for students who would like an emotionally safe environment to discuss issues related to faith that create stress (e.g., having faith doubts or internal conflict with elements of your faith, clarifying your spiritual identity, stresses associated with faith transitions, finding a spiritual place of belonging, talking to those of different faiths, etc.). The topic of the day will be motivated by those who participate that day. This group will be facilitated by Monique Frazier, a psychologist from USU Counseling and Psychological Services (CAPS).

2:30 pm - 3:45 pm |

Faith Challenges Group


This is a support group for students who would like an emotionally safe environment to discuss issues related to faith that create stress (e.g., having faith doubts or internal conflict with elements of your faith, clarifying your spiritual identity, stresses associated with faith transitions, finding a spiritual place of belonging, talking to those of different faiths, etc.). The topic of the day will be motivated by those who participate that day. This group will be facilitated by Monique Frazier, a psychologist from USU Counseling and Psychological Services (CAPS).

2:30 pm - 3:45 pm |

Faith Challenges Group


This is a support group for students who would like an emotionally safe environment to discuss issues related to faith that create stress (e.g., having faith doubts or internal conflict with elements of your faith, clarifying your spiritual identity, stresses associated with faith transitions, finding a spiritual place of belonging, talking to those of different faiths, etc.). The topic of the day will be motivated by those who participate that day. This group will be facilitated by Monique Frazier, a psychologist from USU Counseling and Psychological Services (CAPS).

2:30 pm - 3:45 pm |




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