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Wednesday, April 7

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Start by Believing Day


Visit a pledge booth across the state on this day to learn how to respond to a survivor when they disclose their experience to you. Then, take the pledge to start by believing; making a personal commitment to respond to a survivor with belief and empathy, support that survivor on their road to justice and healing, and to end the silence and stop the cycle of violence within our communities. You can also take the pledge online throughout the month at startbybelieving.usu.edu and be sure to use the campaign hashtag #USUbelieves so we can track the number of pledges USU takes.

8:00 am - 3:00 pm | Taggart Student Center |

Unlikely Allies: Creative Collaborations on Higher Education Sexual Misconduct Prevention

Panel Discussion/Presentation

Sexual misconduct prevention efforts within institutions of higher education have traditionally consisted of research-based bystander intervention programs and risk reduction education efforts. This panel of faculty, staff, and students introduces a nontraditional collaboration within prevention work which resulted in impactful efforts. Participants will leave the conversation knowing how other courses can integrate similar collaborations within their own space.

3:00 pm - 4:00 pm | Online/Virtual |

Washington State University Extension Sustainability Speaker Series

Panel Discussion/Presentation

Every day, we consume resources from the earth in the form of water, food, fiber, energy, and other resources. We are doing this at an unsustainable rate that will affect future generations and all life on earth. This rampant resource use is especially problematic in the United States. In this webinar, we review how ecological footprints are measured and the problems created by excessive resource use. We will present solutions to increase sustainability with examples from “Green Marketing.” Helping consumers “Go Green” through social influence and message framing at large scales can help shrink our ecological footprints and encourage us to adopt more responsible and environmentally friendly practices.

6:00 pm - 7:00 pm | Online/Virtual |



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