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MathBio Group Talk

Panel Discussion/Presentation

The Mathematical Biology (MathBio) group meets every other week in Animal Science 119. The meeting is open to undergraduates, graduate students and faculty interested in applications of mathematical sciences to problems in biology and ecology. The schedule will include formal and informal talks, discussion of MathBio publications, and professional development.

Contact Jim Powell (jim.powell@usu.edu) for further information.

10:30 am - 11:30 am | Animal Science |

Fidelity Webinar: Invest Confidently for Your Future

Panel Discussion/Presentation

Be Well invites you to join Fidelity for a financial wellness presentation to help you invest confidently for your future. In this presentation you will learn to define your savings goals, build an investment plan to help optimize your savings, and understand the importance of continuously managing your plan. Register for this webinar today! Participation in this event qualifies as an activity for the Be Well Rewards program.

12:00 pm - 1:00 pm | Online/Virtual |

Pure Math Seminar

Panel Discussion/Presentation

Pure Math Faculty Seminar is a series of talks by faculty members in pure math at USU and other institutions. The topics cover many areas of pure math including analysis, geometry, topology, algebra, and discrete math. The talks can be about the speakers’ research or surveys of general research areas.

Interested faculty and students from all disciplines are invited to participate in these talks.
Contact Zhaohu Nie (zhaohu.nie@usu.edu) for further information.

3:30 pm - 4:30 pm | Animal Science |

Leadership Forum: Sam and Kacie Malouf

Panel Discussion/Presentation

Join us to hear Aggie Alums, Sam and Kacie Malouf, share their incredible story founding a global manufacturing and retail business while fueling their passion to help others through the Malouf Foundation.

10:00 am - 11:00 am | Huntsman Hall |

Applied Math Seminar

Panel Discussion/Presentation

Featuring USU Department of Bioengineering

The Applied Math Seminar is a semi-weekly series aiming to enhance the interactions between the applied math groups at Utah State University with researchers from USU and other institutions. The Fall 2021 series will be provided in hybrid form every other Monday.

10:30 am - 11:30 am | Animal Science |

Aggie First Scholars BIPOC Student Panel with JC Vázquez

Panel Discussion/Presentation

Aggie First Scholars is hosting a public Zoom panel with first-generation college students who also identify as students of color. Join us in learning about their stories!

1:00 pm - 2:00 pm |

The Afghanistan Crisis: The Challenges of Peacekeeping and Peacebuilding

Panel Discussion/Presentation

The US experience in Afghanistan raises important questions about the meaning of peacekeeping and peacebuilding, and the ability of the US to engage in either one. What should global visions of peacekeeping be? Is it even possible to move from peacekeeping to peacebuilding? Our aim with this panel is to promote a campus-wide discussion on the meanings of peacebuilding and peacekeeping by bringing together practitioners and academics. Speakers include Dr. Danielle Ross, Ms. Somaye Sarvarzade, and Brig-Gen Tyler Smith. Sponsored by the Global Peacebuilding Certificate program and the Tanner Humanities program.

4:30 pm - 6:00 pm | Online/Virtual |

The Afghanistan Crisis: The Challenges of Peacekeeping and Peacebuilding

Panel Discussion/Presentation

The U.S. withdrawal from Afghanistan raises important questions about the meaning of peacekeeping and peacebuilding in the 21st century. Join us for this panel discussion about the situation in Afghanistan, the role of the U.S. around the globe, and the nature of peacebuilding in a world of conflict.

Dr. Danielle Ross, History Department, USU
Somaye Sarvardze, education and development expert
Brigadier General Tyler Smith, Utah National Guard

Zoom link:
Meeting ID: 895 9123 5381
Passcode: 375850

Sponsored by
Global Peacebuilding Certificate
Tanner Talks

4:30 pm - 6:00 pm | Old Main |

Data Science & Statistics Seminar

Panel Discussion/Presentation

The Data Science and Statistics Seminar is a monthly series of talks involving current research by data scientists and statisticians from USU and other institutions. Faculty and students from all disciplines are invited to participate in these talks, which tend to involve interdisciplinary applications and methodological developments. Fall 2021 talks will be conducted remotely.

4:00 pm - 5:00 pm | Online/Virtual |

Lunch & Learn - Balance, Variety, and Moderation in Eating

Panel Discussion/Presentation

For a little more than 100 years we have been studying food and the nutrition it provides the human body. From this research nutrition scientists have developed key principles designed to better inform food choices that optimize health. This presentation will discuss a few of these nutrition principles that are designed to help people make better food choices and lifestyle changes. Register today and join April Litchford, USU Extension professor, as she shares practical ways to use balance, variety, and moderation to optimize the nutrients you eat while minimizing your potential for weight gain and development of disease. Attendance and participation in this activity qualify as a required activity in the Be Well Rewards program.

12:00 pm - 1:00 pm | Online/Virtual |

Leadership Forum: Mia Love, Former United States Representative

Panel Discussion/Presentation | Focused Friday

Join us for a conversation with Former United States Congresswoman Mia Love, and Huntsman School Associate Dean Dave Patel, for a conversation about leadership in business, politics, and public service.

10:30 am - 11:30 am | Huntsman Hall |

Strengthening Your Emotional Health as Women

Panel Discussion/Presentation

The Utah Women & Leadership Project invites you to join us for our fourth Fall Women’s Leadership Forum.

More than ever before, our emotional health as women is critical to being able to not just “get through” or “endure” the responsibilities of a myriad of life roles but be able to flourish and thrive. Challenges related to things like stress, exhaustion, perfectionism, depression, anxiety, and the feeling of not being “good enough” can halt your positive growth and development. Dr. Susan R. Madsen, founder of the Utah Women & Leadership Project, will moderate a lively and engaging panel of therapists, authors, and experts on this topic. Julie Hanks, Tiffany Roe, and Melanie Davis will discuss the overall components of emotional wellbeing, trends in women’s mental health, and many of the top challenges that women are facing today. They will share their professional insights on top strategies and tools that can help women move from enduring to thriving. We will integrate questions from the audience as well. All are welcome!

RSVP to attend.

12:00 pm - 1:15 pm | Online/Virtual |

LAEP Speaker Series: Elizabeth Kennedy

Panel Discussion/Presentation

Elizabeth is the founder of Elizabeth Kennedy Landscape Architect, PLLC (EKLA). Black-owned and woman-run, EKLA is the longest-surviving such firm in the country. Its longevity is due to Elizabeth’s tenacity and her belief in the importance of service—to clients, community, her profession, and the process of design.

The work she directs quietly challenges mainstream assumptions about the aspirations and needs of underrepresented voices to counter the systems and biases that have long dispossessed the less powerful of spaces and rendered the people who use them invisible. Her best-known projects at the intersection of social justice and design exemplify landscape architecture’s potential to engage a broader critical understanding of place and identity. She built EKLA to highlight the heart of her clients’ stories and mission. From this perspective and standpoint, Elizabeth teaches, directs, critiques, frames, collaborates, and edits – in studio and national debate.

3:30 pm - 4:30 pm | Fine Arts Visual |

MathBio Group Talk

Panel Discussion/Presentation

The Mathematical Biology (MathBio) group meets every other week in Animal Science 119. The meeting is open to undergraduates, graduate students and faculty interested in applications of mathematical sciences to problems in biology and ecology. The schedule will include formal and informal talks, discussion of MathBio publications, and professional development.

Contact Jim Powell (jim.powell@usu.edu) for further information.

10:30 am - 11:30 am | Animal Science |

Lunch & Learn - Transitioning from Employee to Retiree

Panel Discussion/Presentation

As an employee closes out their career at USU and enters the world of retirement, the transition process can be overwhelming. Lisa Leishman, Associate Director over Benefits, will provide an overview of what will occur and what action needs to be taken you as you move from an employee to a retiree. This event will be available in person and virtually via Zoom. Attendance and participation in this event qualify as a required activity for the Be Well Rewards program.

12:00 pm - 1:00 pm | USU Libraries |

Lunch & Learn - Aetna: Coping with Anxiety

Panel Discussion/Presentation

How do we tell the difference between normal feelings of stress and symptoms of anxiety? This workshop helps participants understand different types of anxiety and provides tools to notice signs in your own life or the life of someone close to you. This seminar will review anxiety disorders and symptoms, how thoughts and actions contribute to anxiety, and treatment and care of anxiety disorders. Register today for this Lunch & Learn event provided by Aetna, USU's Employee Assistance Program, and the Be Well Program. Attendance and participation in this activity qualify as a required activity for the Be Well Rewards program.

More information and resources for Mental Health can be found at hr.usu.edu/aggiesthrive.

12:00 pm - 1:00 pm | Online/Virtual |

CHaSS Trailheads: Nelda Ault-Dyslin (AMER '05), Community Service Coordinator & CRIC Founder

Panel Discussion/Presentation

On Friday, November 19, the College of Humanities and Social Sciences will host an alumni presentation with Nelda Ault-Dyslin, the current Community Service Coordinator for Utah State University's Val R. Christensen Service Center and founder of the Cache Refugee and Immigrant Connection.

An avid volunteer, Nelda has given her time to several non-profits including HELP International in El Salvador and the Bowling Green International Center, a resettlement center founded to serve Bosnian refugees. Students interested in serving communities in need will want to hear Nelda detail her experiences making a big difference on a local level. Join us for an engaging conversation and learn how you can become a more involved member of the USU community. Open to all students, faculty, and staff!

Come to MAIN 115 at 1:30pm on Friday, November 19 and do your part - bring a friend!

Help us continue to offer in-person events by wearing your mask.

Refreshments will be provided. See you on November 19!

Questions? andrea.dehaan@usu.edu or 435-797-0366

1:30 pm - 2:30 pm | Old Main |

Applied Math Seminar

Panel Discussion/Presentation

Featuring Dr. Daniel Romero, School of Information, University of Michigan

The Applied Math Seminar is a semi-weekly series aiming to enhance the interactions between the applied math groups at Utah State University with researchers from USU and other institutions. The Fall 2021 series will be provided in hybrid form every other Monday.

10:30 am - 11:30 am | Animal Science |

MathBio Group Talk

Panel Discussion/Presentation

The Mathematical Biology (MathBio) group meets every other week in Animal Science 119. The meeting is open to undergraduates, graduate students and faculty interested in applications of mathematical sciences to problems in biology and ecology. The schedule will include formal and informal talks, discussion of MathBio publications, and professional development.

Contact Jim Powell (jim.powell@usu.edu) for further information.

10:30 am - 11:30 am | Animal Science |

Math & Stats Education Teaching Showcase

Panel Discussion/Presentation

The Mathematics and Statistics Education Group hosts a monthly Teaching Showcase to collaborate and share ideas for strategic motivation and improvement in their teaching opportunities. Please consider sharing a short presentation or story about something you’ve tried in your class.

Contact Pata Rujirawat (pata.rujirawat@usu.edu) if you'd be interested in presenting or for further information.

3:30 pm - 5:00 pm | Online/Virtual |




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