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Wednesday, September 23

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ASCE Community Cleanup Competition

Student Activities

Join us in making a difference in our community! Take a picture of yourself picking up around your neighborhood and tag us @USUengineering #USUASCE by Friday, September 25th to win a prize!

Plastic bags & disposable gloves will be available to pick up in the clubs room, ENGR 332

PRIZES for: MOST trash collected, most CREATIVE photo & the photo that best represents your COMMUNITY

*Please, stay safe & socially distanced!

All Day |

Thinking Straight: How to Manage Your Thoughts for Maximum Mental Health


CAPS Workshops are free and open to USU Students, Faculty, and Staff. Workshops will be held virtually. Contact the CAPS Office at capsinfo@usu.edu to request the Zoom link.

3:30 pm - 4:30 pm | Online/Virtual |

Department of Chemistry & Biochemistry Seminar: Dr. Mae Sexauer Gustin


Dr. Mae Sexauer Gustin from the University of Nevada, Reno will present a talk on her research virtually on Zoom. Join Seminar: https://usu-edu.zoom.us/j/99139918394?pwd=TlNnUVhYUC9CVVZDOUxwaGFQYjFVUT09 Meeting ID: 991 3991 8394 Passcode: 4W3tYY

4:00 pm - 5:00 pm |

CHaSS Pre-Law Series: Ryan Petersen (Poli Sci & Econ '05), INL Senior Corporate


CHaSS Outreach Coordinator and Pre-Law Advisor are teaming up to bring you a series of conversations with alumni working in legal careers. Join us each month as we explore various opportunities and aspects of the legal profession. All USU students, faculty, and staff are welcome!

Fall 2020’s series starts on Thursday, September 23. Join us for a conversation on Zoom with Ryan Petersen (Political Science & Economics ’05), the Senior Corporate Counsel and Labor Relations Manager for the Idaho National Laboratory. Ryan is a graduate of Washington and Lee University Law School, where he was a founding editor of the Journal of Energy, Climate, and the Environment. A National Hispanic Merit Scholar,Ryan was named to this year’s Top 100 Under 50 Emerging and Executive Leaders by Diversity MBA Magazine.

Attend live on Zoom at 4pm on September 23 and ask your questions using the Q&A feature. Register to join us: https://usu-edu.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_lh2dPDCrQeGkI7lOB67B6w

4:00 pm - 5:00 pm | Online/Virtual |




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