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September 10 - 16, 2023

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A Conversation about Business & Government: Senator Luz Escamilla & Senator Curt Bramble

Panel Discussion/Presentation | Focused Friday

Subtitled "Business, Economics, and Entrepreneurship in Public Policy: Your Path to Involvement"

Senators Bramble and Escamilla will be on campus to talk to students about their experience in public service, opportunities for students to learn about and become involved in public policy, and the benefits of completing an internship with the Utah State Legislature. This event is open to USU students from all majors, and especially those who are interested in economics, public policy, opportunities, involvement in public service and policy creation, and legislative internships. Faculty and staff are also welcome.

This event is presented jointly by Utah State University's Institute for Government & Politics and the Jon M. Huntsman School of Business.

2:30 pm - 3:30 pm | Huntsman Hall |




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