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Entrepreneurship Club $100 Startup Pitch Competition


What: Students and club members pitch their business ideas for a chance to win $100 to help startup their business
Who: E-Club members and community
When: Monday @5:00 p.m.
Where: Huntsman Hall 320 or Huntsman School of Business courtyard
Why: Win $100 to help out your business in any way
How: come compete and pitch your business to a panel of judges! there will be money and prizes granted if you win

5:00 pm - 6:00 pm | Huntsman Hall |

Women in the Money: Utah Financial Empowerment Conference


Women in the Money: Utah Financial Empowerment Conference is hosted by the Utah State Treasurer as an initiative of the Utah Financial Empowerment Coalition. The conference aims to empower Utah women to achieve financial security by providing access to crucial financial information, valuable resources, and new mentors and friends.

The conference serves Utah women from various walks of life. Women of all ages, cultures, and financial situations are invited to exchange ideas and grow together. The overarching message is that it is never too late, or too early, to learn about finances.

8:00 am - 3:30 pm | Online/Virtual |

Guest speaker David Finnegan (Entrepreneur and World Class Marketer)


What: Guest speaker David Finnegan
Who: Community and E-Club members
When: Monday @5:00 PM Where: Huntsman Hall 322
Why: Learn from an experienced business owner on what it's like to own/start a business

5:00 pm - 6:00 pm | Huntsman Hall |

Utah Women in 2020: Challenges, Opportunities, and Next Steps

Panel Discussion/Presentation

For decades, Utah has been behind the nation in women’s economic empowerment, professional achievement, political representation, and the presence of women in leadership in all sectors. Yet we have been near the top of the nation’s rankings in areas like domestic violence, sexual assault, and cosmetic surgery. The Utah Women & Leadership Project, Salt Lake Tribune, and YWCA Utah have collected data that show where Utah women have ranked in the past and documents women’s own perceptions and experiences as well. This engaging panel discussion will unpack current research findings and focus on top-of-mind issues for Utah women in 2020: What are our most pressing challenges and promising opportunities? How is our rapidly changing world affecting women and girls in the state? And finally, what might be the next steps to strengthen the impact of women in Utah in all sectors, including home, church, business, schools, universities, and beyond? Join us for a lively discussion with experts on Utah women’s issues to gain deeper insights into where we have been, where we are going, and how you can personally engage in this important work.

12:00 pm - 1:15 pm | Online/Virtual |

MBA Virtual Information Session

Information/Orientation | Student Recruiting

This virtual information session is available to anyone interested in either pursuing an MBA or learning what an MBA could do for you. The session will cover frequently asked questions and will have a live Q&A panel made up of an MBA alum, MBA student, and the MBA team to answer any additional questions you may have. Please RSVP here to attend.

12:00 pm - 1:00 pm | Online/Virtual |

Leadership Week: The Diversity, Inclusion and Leadership Imperative

Panel Discussion/Presentation | Focused Friday

Join Lord Dr. Michael Hastings, Anne Chow, Boyd Craig, Sanda Ojiambo, and James Manyika as they discuss the importance of diversity, inclusion, and leadership in the workplace and our lives.

Panel moderator: Lord Dr. Michael Hastings

Panel members:
- Anne Chow, CEO, AT&T Business
- Boyd Craig, CEO, Leader.org
- Sanda Ojiambo, Executive Director, United Nations Global Compact
- James Manyika, Chairman, Director, and Senior Partner, McKinsey Global Institute

Please RSVP here to attend.

11:00 am - 12:00 pm | Online/Virtual |

Guest Speaker Travis Kunz


What: Guest speaker Travis Kunz
Who: Community and E-Club members
When: Monday @5:00 PM
Where: Huntsman Hall 322
Why: Learn from an experienced business owner on what it's like to own/start a business

5:00 pm - 6:00 pm | Huntsman Hall |

MBA Virtual Information Session

Information/Orientation | Student Recruiting

This virtual information session is available to anyone interested in either pursuing an MBA or learning what an MBA could do for you. The session will cover frequently asked questions and will have a live Q&A panel made up of an MBA alum, MBA student, and the MBA team to answer any additional questions you may have. Please RSVP here to attend.

12:00 pm - 1:00 pm | Online/Virtual |

Entrepreneurship Club $100 Startup Pitch Competition


What: Students and club members pitch their business ideas to a panel of judges for a chance to win $100 to help start up their business
Who: E-club members and community
When: Monday @5:00 PM
Where: Huntsman Hall 320 or Huntsman School of Business courtyard
Why: Compete and win money and prizes for your business
How: Come compete and pitch your business to a panel of judges! there will be money and prizes granted if you win

5:00 pm - 6:00 pm | Huntsman Hall |

It’s in Our Genes (Segment 1, Understanding Gender for Educators & Parents)


The Utah Women & Leadership Project invites you to join us for Segment 1 of a 4-part webinar series titled "Why Gender Matters for Teachers & Parents: An In-Depth Exploration."

Why Gender Matters for Teachers & Parents: Segment 1 - It’s in Our Genes

Description: This webinar introduces educators and parents to research studies that can help them understand the biological distinctions between boys and girls, young men and young women, and men and women. Comprehending the inherent gender differences will help educators and parents integrate knowledge that can further maximize student learning and have the greatest impact on educational outcomes. We will explore how girls and boys see, smell, hear, and communicate similarly and differently, and how educators and parents can maximize the student’s innate abilities by creating responsive and dynamic learning environments.

8:00 am - 9:00 am | Online/Virtual |

Writing for the Popular Press: A Workshop for Utah Women


Whether it’s education, healthcare, the environment, politics, or the pandemic, our state is facing critical crossroads in so many areas, and Utah women have important insights and viewpoints about all of them. Yet in Utah, the majority of op-eds and other opinion pieces are still written by men. Why is it that so many Utah women do not state their opinions publicly? This workshop will provide insights on why you should write for the popular press and include tips and tools on how to discover what issues you can best write about. Holly and Heather will then help you learn to structure an op-ed, letter to the editor, blog post, solutions journalism piece, and other opinion pieces. The workshop will also include time spent in Zoom breakout rooms where you can discuss your ideas in a small group. During part of the second hour, Holly and Heather will split the attendees into two groups to answer questions and to provide more fine-tuned instruction. Finally, the full group will reconvene briefly so that the presenters can share final thoughts and discuss next steps. Join us for this event. You have a voice, and the popular press in Utah needs it!

3:00 pm - 5:00 pm | Online/Virtual |




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