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Thursday, October 12

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Clothesline Project - Domestic Violence Awareness Month

Special Event

The Clothesline Project is an annual event to raise awareness about domestic violence during the month of October, National Domestic Violence Awareness Month. The Clothesline Project is a visual display of shirts with graphic messages and illustrations that have been designed by survivors of interpersonal violence or by someone who loves someone who has been killed. It was created as a way for survivors to share what has happened to them as well as highlight the realities behind statistics of domestic violence that are often overlooked. The project will be displayed across USU Campus at various dining services locations. We encourage you to visit a display this month and visit our resources page should you or someone you know need help.

All Day | Utah State University Logan Campus |

Inclusive Excellence Symposium


As a part of ongoing efforts to create a more equitable and inclusive community, the USU Division of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion is launching its Inclusive Excellence Symposium. This year's Inclusive Excellence Symposium aims to identify, define, and relate inclusive excellence and its practices to research, teaching, leadership, and academic excellence through formal workshops and TedED-style presentations. We also hope to facilitate and recognize collaborative efforts advancing diversity, equity, and inclusive excellence at USU postering and other asynchronous methods highlighting work across campus and the community.

9:00 am - 3:00 pm | Eccles Conference Center |

LGBT+ Support Group

Student Activities

Are you looking for ways to find more connection on campus? Come join the LGBT+ support group! Meetings are every Thursday from 12:30-1:30 p.m. Visit the CAPS office (TSC 306), call the CAPS office at (435) 797-1012, or email capsinfo@usu.edu to fill out paperwork. For more questions, email erika.lindstrom@usu.edu

12:30 pm - 1:30 pm |




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