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Tuesday, October 17

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Second 7-week Session

Academic Calendar | Fall Semester

34 instruction days, 1 test day

From 10/17 , All Day to 12/08 , All Day | Utah State University |

Drops of Mindfulness


Live and online guided mindfulness practices offered freely by the IDRRP to support the well-being of faculty, staff, and students. Everyone in the USU community is welcome all or any of these 10-minute practices whenever they fit in the schedule. There is no requirement or no pre-requisite to participate.

8:45 am - 8:55 am | Online/Virtual |

Biennial Art + Design Faculty Exhibition


Exhibition with details TBD

9:00 am - 5:00 pm | Chase Fine Arts Center, Tippetts and Eccles Galleries |

Clothesline Project - Domestic Violence Awareness Month

Special Event

The Clothesline Project is an annual event to raise awareness about domestic violence during the month of October, National Domestic Violence Awareness Month. The Clothesline Project is a visual display of shirts with graphic messages and illustrations that have been designed by survivors of interpersonal violence or by someone who loves someone who has been killed. It was created as a way for survivors to share what has happened to them as well as highlight the realities behind statistics of domestic violence that are often overlooked. The project will be displayed across USU Campus at various dining services locations. We encourage you to visit a display this month and visit our resources page should you or someone you know need help.

All Day | Utah State University Logan Campus |

QCNR Mid-Morning Mingle


Free coffee, tea, hot chocolate and treats for QCNR students, staff and faculty. Greet and show support for a rotation of the QCNR clubs, and enter the weekly drawing for prizes!

10:00 am - 11:00 am | Natural Resources Building |

Stress and Anxiety Management Part 3


Stress and Anxiety Management workshop part 3 will help you identify your own thinking patterns that often lead to higher levels of stress. Learn how to reframe and challenge the worn out recording of negative self-talk and unhelpful thoughts in this workshop.

10:30 am - 11:30 am |

Trans Allies on Campus Training


Trans/Nonbinary Allies on Campus aims to increase awareness and understanding of our trans/nonbinary community and further understand specific trans/nonbinary issues while training participants to stand with, and advocate for trans/nonbinary individuals. Participants will gain a basic understanding of sex, sexuality, and gender and how these concepts perpetuate microaggressions, discrimination policies, and daily biases. Prepare to dispel some common myths, laugh, and leave with the understanding that there is much work to be done in our community and you are part of the solution. Registration is required to receive the zoom link.

12:00 pm - 2:00 pm | Online/Virtual |

Trans Allies on Campus Training


Training provides information to increase awareness and understanding of the trans community

12:00 pm - 2:00 pm | Online/Virtual |

Aetna Webinar – On Time: Secrets of Being Punctual, Prepared and Productive


Aetna, USU’s Employee Assistance Provider, presents a Resources for Living webinar. Do you want to better understand chronic lateness? Join this webinar to: -Understand some of the reasons behind it -Learn what it may “say” about the person who is constantly late -Identify possible impacts on personal relationships and work life -Map out steps to overcome chronic lateness -Learn how to deal with someone in your life who is always late

1:00 pm - 2:00 pm | Online/Virtual |

Ecology Center Data Science Workshop Series


The Ecology Center provides free, graduate student-led workshops on programming for data analysis. Sessions are held on Tuesdays at 3:00PM in NR 204, and are designed for beginners in the topic. Most workshops are focused on R, but we cover Python and Gooogle Earth Engine as well. Please bring your own computer. Below is this semester's schedule: Sept. 12 - Introduction to R Sept. 19 - Data wrangling using data.table Sept. 26 - Data wrangling and beyond with the tidyverse Oct. 3 - Data visualization with base R Oct. 10 - Data visualization with ggplot Oct. 17 - Advanced R: for-loops and functions Oct. 24 - Wrangling and analyzing spatial data in R Oct. 31 - Intro to Google Earth Engine Nov. 7 - Visualizing spatial data in R Nov. 14 - Intro to Python Nov. 28 - Github and reproducible analysis

3:00 pm - 4:30 pm | Natural Resources Building |

MAE Research Seminar Series


Dr. Darren Luke
Principle Engineer
Air Force Research Laboratory
Elevated Temperature Material Characterization of Duplex Stainless Steel for Pressure Vessel Failure Predictions

3:30 pm - 4:30 pm | Engineering Building |

Heravi Peace Institute Workshop


Will the U.S. and China go to war? Is there a more peaceful approach? Join us for "Trade Over War: How to Avoid a Major Military Conflict Between U.S. and China" with professor Xiaotong Zhang of Fudan University. Tuesday October 17th 4:30-5:30pm Old Main 117

4:30 pm - 5:30 pm | Old Main |

MSW Information Session


Utah State is proud to offer a variety of options for obtaining a Master’s Degree in Social Work (MSW) to meet the demands of each individual. Participants are able to gain additional information for the MSW program such as; requirements and application deadlines.

7:00 pm - 8:00 pm | Utah State University Eastern Campus |




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