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Tuesday, October 3

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Drops of Mindfulness


Live and online guided mindfulness practices offered freely by the IDRRP to support the well-being of faculty, staff, and students. Everyone in the USU community is welcome all or any of these 10-minute practices whenever they fit in the schedule. There is no requirement or no pre-requisite to participate.

8:45 am - 8:55 am | Online/Virtual |

CIDI Workshop - Running Secure Exams in Canvas


This workshop addresses how to create exams in Canvas, plus tools and methods for protecting quiz content and ensuring academic integrity when in-person proctoring isn't an option. (Includes discussion of Proctorio, question banks, time limits, question design, and more.)

9:00 am - 10:00 am | Online/Virtual |

Stress and Anxiety Management Part 1


Ever wonder why we respond to stress the way we do? Would you like to learn new skills to help reduce your stress so you can do the things that matter to you? Join us in part 1 of our Stress and Anxiety Management workshop series where you will gain a better understanding of yourself and take away at least three skills you can use immediately to make life a bit more manageable.

10:30 am - 11:30 am |

Lunch & Learn - Cyber Wellness: Cyber Security Tips for Individuals


USU Be Well and Steven Clark, Information Technology ERP Technical Administrator, present a lunch and learn on cyber wellness and how to stay protected in our digital world. Like other aspects of life, taking care of your your digital life requires knowledge, planning, and effort. Just as exercise and a healthy diet promote physical health and planning, saving, and budgeting promote financial security - come learn why personal cyber security matters and what you can do to improve your Cyber Wellness.

*Presentation will be available in person and virtually and will be recorded. Attendance and participation in this event qualify as an activity for the Be Well Rewards program.*

12:00 pm - 1:00 pm | USU Libraries |

Ecology Center Data Science Workshop Series


The Ecology Center provides free, graduate student-led workshops on programming for data analysis. Sessions are held on Tuesdays at 3:00PM in NR 204, and are designed for beginners in the topic. Most workshops are focused on R, but we cover Python and Gooogle Earth Engine as well. Please bring your own computer. Below is this semester's schedule: Sept. 12 - Introduction to R Sept. 19 - Data wrangling using data.table Sept. 26 - Data wrangling and beyond with the tidyverse Oct. 3 - Data visualization with base R Oct. 10 - Data visualization with ggplot Oct. 17 - Advanced R: for-loops and functions Oct. 24 - Wrangling and analyzing spatial data in R Oct. 31 - Intro to Google Earth Engine Nov. 7 - Visualizing spatial data in R Nov. 14 - Intro to Python Nov. 28 - Github and reproducible analysis

3:00 pm - 4:30 pm | Natural Resources Building |

CIDI Workshop - Teaching Classes in Zoom


Learn how to plan, begin, and successfully teach a class over Zoom. This workshop focuses less on Zoom functionality and more on teaching strategies for keeping students engaged and minimizing distractions when teaching in real-time, remotely.

3:00 pm - 4:00 pm | Online/Virtual |

Heravi Peace Institute Workshop


Come connect with fellow peace institute students, meet professionals in peace-related fields, and practice the skills you're gaining in your HPI courses! This event will be a skill-building exercise.

4:30 pm - 5:30 pm | Old Main |




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