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Tuesday, September 26

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USU Restoration Consortium Short Course: Beaver Translocation


Instructors: Dr. Nick Bouwes, Nate Norman & Becky Yeager Dates: September 26-28, 2023 Description: This course is designed for individuals and groups who are interested in live trapping and relocating beaver for stream restoration. Students will gain: 1. Ability to work with landowners in protecting their property while living with beavers when possible. 2. Knowledge of types of beaver traps and how to properly set them. 3. Knowledge of how to safely transport beaver. 4. Ability to handle beavers to collect and record pertinent data after captures. 5. Knowledge of important components for temporary beaver husbandry. 6. Ability to select proper relocation areas for release. Learn how to prepare relocation areas to increase success

All Day | Natural Resources Building |

Drops of Mindfulness


Live and online guided mindfulness practices offered freely by the IDRRP to support the well-being of faculty, staff, and students. Everyone in the USU community is welcome all or any of these 10-minute practices whenever they fit in the schedule. There is no requirement or no pre-requisite to participate.

8:45 am - 8:55 am | Online/Virtual |

Academic Belonging & Learning Excellence: Why, What, and How?


A Front & Center Webinar for USU faculty and staff

10:00 am - 11:00 am | Online/Virtual |

Lunch & Learn - Strategies to Stretch Your Income


USU Be Well and Extension's Empowering Financial Wellness Program present a lunch and learn on strategies to stretch your income. Amid inflation, 63% of Americans say they are living paycheck to paycheck making progress towards financial goals daunting and seemingly impossible. Establishing attainable goals and developing new spending and saving habits can help you increase and maximize your income and minimize expenses. This will allow you to put even more money towards the things that matter most to you. The tools we discuss in this webinar will help you do just that! Join us to learn practical strategies for organizing your money, adjusting your daily spending, and strategies & free tools for cutting expenses. *Presentation will be recorded. Attendance and participation in this event qualify as an activity for the Be Well Rewards program.

12:00 pm - 1:00 pm | Online/Virtual |

Stress and Anxiety Management Part 3


Stress and Anxiety Management workshop part 3 will help you identify your own thinking patterns that often lead to higher levels of stress. Learn how to reframe and challenge the worn out recording of negative self-talk and unhelpful thoughts in this workshop.

2:00 pm - 3:00 pm |

CIDI Workshop - Designing Assessment for Learning


This workshop will help you create or re-design assessment to align with your overall course goals.

3:00 pm - 4:00 pm | Online/Virtual |

Ecology Center Data Science Workshop Series


The Ecology Center provides free, graduate student-led workshops on programming for data analysis. Sessions are held on Tuesdays at 3:00PM in NR 204, and are designed for beginners in the topic. Most workshops are focused on R, but we cover Python and Gooogle Earth Engine as well. Please bring your own computer. Below is this semester's schedule: Sept. 12 - Introduction to R Sept. 19 - Data wrangling using data.table Sept. 26 - Data wrangling and beyond with the tidyverse Oct. 3 - Data visualization with base R Oct. 10 - Data visualization with ggplot Oct. 17 - Advanced R: for-loops and functions Oct. 24 - Wrangling and analyzing spatial data in R Oct. 31 - Intro to Google Earth Engine Nov. 7 - Visualizing spatial data in R Nov. 14 - Intro to Python Nov. 28 - Github and reproducible analysis

3:00 pm - 4:30 pm | Natural Resources Building |




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