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Biological Engineering Department Seminar Series


The BE Department's Seminar Series Speaker, Dr. Rebecca Gerth, Research Sales Engineer at Ripple Neuro, will present: "Going to the Dark Side - Choosing Industry".

February 3rd at 12:30 pm in ENGR 326

Over the last two decades, academic neuroscientists and engineers have dedicated their lives to developing brain-computer interfaces for the restoration of independence in amputees and paralyzed individuals. Ripple Neuro creates neural interfaces and medical devices to advance research and improve the lives of underserved patient populations. Engineers at Ripple work with academic partners, industry leaders, and clinical experts to solve the problems that still limit the translation of brain-computer interfaces. This presentation will highlight one engineer’s decision to transition to industry and the varied opportunities working for a biotech company provides.

A meet and greet with Dr. Gerth will be held immediately following the seminar in ENGR 326.

12:30 pm - 1:20 pm | Engineering Building |

Biological Engineering Department Seminar Series


The BE Department's Seminar Series Speaker, Dr. Tara Deans, Assistant Professor at University of Utah, will present: "Engineering Stem Cells to Create Novel Delivery Vehicles".

February 10th at 12:30 pm in ENGR 326

Synthetic biology has transformed how cells can be reprogrammed, providing a means to reliably and predictably control cell behavior with the assembly of genetic parts into more complex gene circuits. Using approaches and tools in synthetic biology, we are programming stem cells with novel genetic tools to control genes and pathways that result in changes in stem cell fate decisions, in addition to reprogramming terminally differentiated cells to function as unique therapeutic diagnostic and delivery vehicles.

A meet and greet with Dr. Deans will be held immediately following the seminar in ENGR 326.

12:30 pm - 1:20 pm | Engineering Building |

Biological Engineering Department Seminar Series


The BE Department's Seminar Series Speaker, Ms. Rachel Muller, Project Engineer at Merit Medical , will present: "Using Your Resources; A Look At Project Management In Engineering".

February 24th at 12:30 pm in ENGR 326

Behind the scenes of Merit Medical’s success as a global leader in medical manufacturing are the people that make it possible. Learn about what it takes to bring a product to market, key project management strategies, and vital skills to learn as an engineer before entering the medical device industry.

A meet and greet with Ms. Muller will be held immediately following the seminar in ENGR 326.

12:30 pm - 1:20 pm | Engineering Building |




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