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Alumni Lunch Series

Panel Discussion/Presentation

The CHaSS Alumni Lunch Series has gone online! Join us for Digital Take-Out as we discuss careers with esteemed alumni. Listen in and participate by asking questions during the live event on Zoom. 

Diana Call (MS ANTH '15, BS ANTH '07) got her start as an undergraduate building an exhibit for the Museum of Anthropology at Utah State University. From there she grew her skills at the Ogden Union Station before earning her M.S. in Archaeology and eventually making her way to southern Utah where she has been at the Dinosaur Discovery Site since 2016.

 Holly Andrew (BA ANTH '09) is an anthropologist, historian, and museum professional who serves as the Union Station Museum Curator. Holly actively works with Ogden City to improve the museum’s collections, interpretative exhibitions, and programs. She previously served as a public archaeologist with the University of Oklahoma and got her start at the Hyrum City Museum.

All are welcome to join the conversation on Zoom, but to overlap with the ANTH 3310 course, this event will be held at 9am on February 3. Register in advance for this webinar: https://usu-edu.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_2JuAr0iMTfmk9unp6zQ8UQ

9:00 am - 10:00 am |

CHaSS Pre-Law Series: Savanna Jones

Panel Discussion/Presentation

CHaSS Outreach Coordinator and Pre-Law Advisor are teaming up to bring you a series of conversations with alumni working in legal careers. Join us as we explore various opportunities and aspects of the legal profession. All Utah State University students, faculty, and staff are welcome! https://usu-edu.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_1BpTbjcwQQGAHh6DjiBQdw On Thursday, February 10, we’ll focus on the experience of law school through the eyes of a current student. Now in her final semester at Georgetown University, Savanna Jones graduated from USU in 2018 with a degree in Political Science. During her time in law school, Savanna has interned for the National Network to End Domestic Violence, externed for the Virginia Indigent Defense Commission (the public defender’s office), and worked as a summer associate for Bailey & Glasser LLP, a mid-sized firm in D.C., where she focused on consumer litigation. Savanna has also served as both author and editor for the Georgetown Journal of Gender and the Law and currently works as a student attorney for the Criminal Defense and Prisoner Advocacy Clinic.

4:00 pm - 5:00 pm |

Intersections on Inclusion: Pride in the Field

Panel Discussion/Presentation

Many USU students, staff, and faculty are engaged in projects and research focused on the LGBTQIA+ community, as explored in the Utah State Today series, “Celebrating Pride.” Join us for a panel discussing approaches to research about, with, and by the LGBTQIA+ community. What key considerations should researchers center when studying gender and sexuality? From research design, to language use, to avoiding bias, to supporting researchers, what do inclusion, equity, and justice look like in practice? Panelists and attendees will reflect together on positionality, privilege, and marginalization, while taking away actionable practices for future research.

12:00 pm - 1:15 pm |




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