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September 2022

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Blood Battle with the American Red Cross

Special Event

There is an ongoing blood shortage in the United States right now, due to natural disasters and the pandemic. Utah State and Weber State are going head to head in the name of addressing the blood shortage during Blood Battle 2022. Each school has a goal of collecting 500 units of blood! American Red Cross teams will be on hand from 9:00 AM to 8:00 PM every day for four days so that donors can step up and help community members they may never meet. Appointments are recommended this year, but walk-ins will be accommodated on a first come, first served basis. Go to redcrossblood.org and type ZIP code 84322 or the sponsor code BLEEDBLUE in the search box in the top right corner to make an appointment. Many volunteers are also needed to staff the check-in and snack tables. Sign up for a shift or two by logging into USU's service database, found at usu.givepulse.com.

9:00 am - 8:00 pm | TSC, International Lounge |

Blood Battle with the American Red Cross

Special Event

There is an ongoing blood shortage in the United States right now, due to natural disasters and the pandemic. Utah State and Weber State are going head to head in the name of addressing the blood shortage during Blood Battle 2022. Each school has a goal of collecting 500 units of blood! American Red Cross teams will be on hand from 9:00 AM to 8:00 PM every day for four days so that donors can step up and help community members they may never meet. Appointments are recommended this year, but walk-ins will be accommodated on a first come, first served basis. Go to redcrossblood.org and type ZIP code 84322 or the sponsor code BLEEDBLUE in the search box in the top right corner to make an appointment. Many volunteers are also needed to staff the check-in and snack tables. Sign up for a shift or two by logging into USU's service database, found at usu.givepulse.com.

9:00 am - 8:00 pm | TSC, International Lounge |

Blood Battle with the American Red Cross

Special Event

There is an ongoing blood shortage in the United States right now, due to natural disasters and the pandemic. Utah State and Weber State are going head to head in the name of addressing the blood shortage during Blood Battle 2022. Each school has a goal of collecting 500 units of blood! American Red Cross teams will be on hand from 9:00 AM to 8:00 PM every day for four days so that donors can step up and help community members they may never meet. Appointments are recommended this year, but walk-ins will be accommodated on a first come, first served basis. Go to redcrossblood.org and type ZIP code 84322 or the sponsor code BLEEDBLUE in the search box in the top right corner to make an appointment. Many volunteers are also needed to staff the check-in and snack tables. Sign up for a shift or two by logging into USU's service database, found at usu.givepulse.com.

9:00 am - 8:00 pm | TSC, International Lounge |

Blood Battle with the American Red Cross

Special Event

There is an ongoing blood shortage in the United States right now, due to natural disasters and the pandemic. Utah State and Weber State are going head to head in the name of addressing the blood shortage during Blood Battle 2022. Each school has a goal of collecting 500 units of blood! American Red Cross teams will be on hand from 9:00 AM to 8:00 PM every day for four days so that donors can step up and help community members they may never meet. Appointments are recommended this year, but walk-ins will be accommodated on a first come, first served basis. Go to redcrossblood.org and type ZIP code 84322 or the sponsor code BLEEDBLUE in the search box in the top right corner to make an appointment. Many volunteers are also needed to staff the check-in and snack tables. Sign up for a shift or two by logging into USU's service database, found at usu.givepulse.com.

9:00 am - 8:00 pm | TSC, International Lounge |

Social Action Fair: Immigration & Refugees

Special Event

This Social Action Fair will feature representatives from community organizations and campus groups that work directly with immigrant and refugee community members. Stop by their booths to learn about their work and how you can get involved! Our guests include: One Refugee, Athletics United, Cache Refugee & Immigrant Connection, No More a Stranger Immigrant Advocates, Their Story Is Our Story (USU Chapter), Allies 2 Refugees (USU Chapter), and programs from the USU Center for Community Engagement. Free conchas while they last!

4:00 pm - 6:00 pm | TSC, Plaza |




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