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September 26 - October 2, 2021

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Applied Mathematics Seminar


In-Person: ANSC 119
ZOOM ID: 860 6092 4997 PWD: USUAMS

Title: Sensitivity analysis and uncertainty quantification using novel physics-constrained machine learning

Speaker: Dr. Hamidreza Karbasian, Fields Institute, University of Toronto

A new physics-constrained data-driven approach is proposed for sensitivity analysis and uncertainty quantification of large-scale chaotic dynamical systems. Unlike conventional sensitivity analysis, this approach can solve the unsteady sensitivity function for PDE-constrained optimizations. In this new approach, high-dimensional governing equations, such as Navier-Stokes equations, from physical space are transformed into an unphysical space to develop a closure model in the form of a Reduced-Order Model (ROM). Subsequently, a new data sampling approach is proposed to build a data-driven approach for this framework. It is shown that the proposed approach can capture sensitivities for large-scale chaotic dynamical systems, where Finite Difference (FD) approximations fail ...

10:30 am - 11:30 am | Animal Science |

Biology Speaker Seminar Series: Dr. Robert Schaeffer


Dr. Robert Schaeffer from Utah State University will be presenting a discussion of his research in-person as well as on Zoom. Attend the seminar in-person in LSB 207 or on Zoom: https://usu-edu.zoom.us/j/83955459503?pwd=bXhoNCtLb1UzTy9zcEV1V3ByUzZodz09

3:30 pm - 4:30 pm | Life Sciences Building |

Data Science & Statistics Seminar

Panel Discussion/Presentation

The Data Science and Statistics Seminar is a monthly series of talks involving current research by data scientists and statisticians from USU and other institutions. Faculty and students from all disciplines are invited to participate in these talks, which tend to involve interdisciplinary applications and methodological developments. Fall 2021 talks will be conducted remotely.

4:00 pm - 5:00 pm | Online/Virtual |

Math & Stats Education Teaching Showcase

Panel Discussion/Presentation

The Mathematics and Statistics Education Group hosts a monthly Teaching Showcase to collaborate and share ideas for strategic motivation and improvement in their teaching opportunities. Please consider sharing a short presentation or story about something you’ve tried in your classes.

Contact Pata Rujirawat 797-0746 if you'd be interested in presenting or for further information.

3:30 pm - 5:00 pm | Online/Virtual |

College of Science 2021 Virtual Fall Convocation - Invitation Only


2021 Virtual Fall Convocation

Dates: September 30, 2021 - 5:30pm - 6:30pm
Location: This invitation only event will be held virtually on Zoom with login information sent via email
Attendees: Students and Donors by invitation only

Our college’s alumni often cite the faculty, staff, fellow students and family, who encouraged them in their academic journey, along with donors, who provided financial support that made their education at Utah State possible. Many of these alumni seek opportunities to give back and offer a hand up to new Aggies following in their footsteps.

Fall Convocation celebrates this enduring legacy by recognizing outstanding student recipients of our graduate and undergraduate College of Science scholarships and awards, as well as the generous scholarship donors supporting these scholars in their endeavors. The annual gathering provides an opportunity for Aggies, from generation to generation, to share their stories, their challenges and their wisdom in warm fellowship.

5:00 pm - 6:30 pm | Online/Virtual |

A Time to Die: Adoption of Physician-Assisted Dying in Utah

Panel Discussion/Presentation

Physician-assisted dying is legal in at least ten U.S. states and the District of Columbia under legislation known as Death with Dignity Laws. Should Utah also offer the option? Join a online panel discussion led by USU bioethicist Andy Anderson; Pat Sadoski, senior care consultant and retired hospice nurse; and family physician and hospice medical director Matthew Welter. The discussion, broadcast online via AggieCast, is free and open to all. The event is hosted by Utah State University's College of Science, with media sponsor Utah Public Radio. More at: https://www.usu.edu/science/events/time-to-die

7:00 pm - 8:15 pm | Online/Virtual |




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