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April 12 - 18, 2020

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[CANCELLED] Campus Spring Clean-Up

Special Event

We are excited to be holding our 2nd annual Campus Spring Clean-up again this year! We greatly appreciated all the help we received last year from faculty, staff & students and couldn’t have made campus look the way it did for commencement without your help. This year the clean-up will be help April 15th starting at 9:00 am. We encourage you all to join in and get out of the office for a little while to help make our campus look great for commencement!

Here is how we have organized the day:
Each area on campus is broken down into zones, from these zones we have listed projects that will be happening in each area. There will not be specific times for the different projects, so we will just have you join in on the current project when you come to the zone. You can even sign up for multiple zones if you would like to help in different areas across campus! Please bring your own gloves.

Lunch will be provided at 12:00 for those who come and help with the clean-up!

We ask you to click on the link below to sign up, so we know how many tools/supplies we need to have available as well as a number for the lunch!

9:00 am - 4:00 pm |

Alumni Lunch Series: Digital Take-Out with Kerry Bringhurst & Tom Williams

Special Event

The CHaSS Alumni Lunch Series has gone online! Join us for Digital Take-out as we discuss careers with esteemed alumni. Listen in and participate by asking questions during the live WebEx event this Thursday at 11am: https://usumeetings.webex.com/usumeetings/onstage/g.php?MTID=e09984c019a84dc2bd49b5f871d564125

On April 16th we'll feature Kerry Bringhurst (BA Journalism) and Tom Williams (BA Liberal Arts) of Utah Public Radio talking discussing the role of media in covering a crisis. Learn how recent events have impacted journalists covering the news.

For more information about alumni programming in the College of Humanities and Social Sciences: https://chass.usu.edu/alumni-lunch-series/index

11:00 am - 12:00 pm | Online/Virtual |

Alumni Lunch Series: Digital Take-Out with Kerry Bringhurst & Tom Williams

Special Event

The CHaSS Alumni Lunch Series has gone online! Join us for Digital Take-out as we discuss careers with esteemed alumni. Listen in and participate by asking questions during the live WebEx event this Thursday at 11am: https://usumeetings.webex.com/usumeetings/onstage/g.php?MTID=e09984c019a84dc2bd49b5f871d564125

On April 16th we'll feature Kerry Bringhurst (BA Journalism) and Tom Williams (BA Liberal Arts) of Utah Public Radio talking discussing the role of media in covering a crisis. Learn how recent events have impacted journalists covering the news.

For more information about alumni programming in the College of Humanities and Social Sciences: https://chass.usu.edu/alumni-lunch-series/index

The Digital Take-out Edition is a collaboration between the College of Humanities and Social Sciences and Utah State University’s Career Services.

11:00 am - 12:00 pm | Online/Virtual |



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