Chris Lant, Ph.D.

Environment and Society Department

Chris Lant

Field: Environment and Society
Areas of Focus: Conservation Policies, Environmental Sustainability, Water Resources Management, Water-Food Nexus


  • Virtual water
  • Ecosystem services
  • Net primary production
  • Food-energy water nexus


Dr. Christopher Lant joined Utah State University’s Quinney College of Natural Resources as professor and Department Head of Environment and Society in 2014 after 26 years as a Geographer at Southern Illinois University — including 12 years as the executive director of the Universities Council on Water Resources. Dr. Lant’s work has focused on water resources, the water-food nexus, environmental and agricultural conservation policies, publishing over 50 peer-reviewed journal articles and book chapters, mostly in collaboration with dozens of doctoral and master’s advisees. His work has focused on policies that can reduce polluted run-off, restore wetlands, promote ecosystem service provision, and add wind energy as a 21st century “crop.” He has also published on water footprint analysis and virtual water trade. A recipient of over $10 million in research and program development funding, his recent work on NSF’s Coupled Natural and Human Systems and Innovations in Food-Energy-Water Systems (INFEWS) programs has focused on projecting the likely geographic response of the crop belts to climate change, human appropriation of net primary production, and the ecological inter-dependencies it generates through trade.