David Tarboton, Ph.D.

Civil and Environmental Engineering Department
Professor, Director of the Utah Water Research Laboratory

David Tarboton

Field: Civil Engineering, Computer Science, Earth Science, Environmental Engineering, Water Resources
Areas of Focus: Hydrology, Snow, Water Resources Management


  • Surface water hydrology
  • Snow
  • Hydrologic information systems
  • Water resources
  • Hydrologic data management
  • Hydrologic Modeling
  • Terrain Analysis
  • Hydrologic Education Learning
  • Earth Science
  • Computer Science


Dr. David Tarboton is the director of the Utah Water Research Laboratory that conducts research to generate knowledge needed to solve water problems in Utah, the country and around the world. His research is in the area of surface water hydrology, water resources, modeling, hydrologic information systems, and snow. He led the development of HydroShare, a hydrologic information system for sharing hydrologic data and models operated by the Consortium of Universities for the Advancement of Hydrologic Science, Inc. His group has developed and supports open source software packages including the Terrain Analysis using Digital Elevation Models (TauDEM) package for derivation of hydrologic information from digital elevation models, and the Utah Energy Balance snowmelt model.