Jennifer Grewe, Ph.D.

Psychology Department
Assistant Professor

Jennifer Grewe

Field: Psychology
Areas of Focus: Academic Success, Health Psychology, Psychology Teaching


  • Psychology
  • Teaching of Psychology
  • Academic Success Skills/Support
  • First-year Students/Programs
  • Health Psychology


Dr. Jennifer Grewe is an assistant professor with the Department of Psychology at Utah State University. She received her doctorate from Utah State University in 2011. Since then, she has taught thousands of undergraduate students via the many psychology courses for the undergraduate psychology program, including: Introduction to Psychology, Undergraduate Apprenticeship, Health Psychology, and Scientific Thinking and Methods in Psychology.

Her teaching expertise includes both on-campus and online courses. She is the co-chair of the Department of Psychology Undergraduate Program, the advisor for the local chapter of Psi Chi (International Psychology Honors Society), and the Program Director for USU Connections (first-year experience program). She is the editor for the Teaching Resources for the Society of Teaching Psychology (APA, Div.2). She was recognized as the 2019 College of Education and Human Services Teacher of the Year award.