Kristy Bloxham, Ph.D.

Instructional Technology and Learning Sciences Department

Kristy Bloxham

Field: Instructional Technology
Areas of Focus: E-learning


  • Online Learning Programs
  • Blended Learning Courses
  • Training Evaluation
  • Performance Improvement
  • Product Management
  • Training Programs
  • Employee Development


Dr. Kristy Bloxham is a professor of practice in the Instructional Technology and Learning Sciences department. She received her bachelor’s degree in elementary education and her master’s in Instructional Technology from Utah State University. She returned to USU and earned a PhD in Instructional Technology and Learning Sciences in 2010. Dr. Bloxham has a unique mix of industry and academic experience; she has developed online learning programs and facilitated trainings for several large companies, and she is the founder and CEO of Kontegrys Learning Solutions, a consulting company that specializes in online learning and employee development. Dr. Bloxham’s research focuses on using continuous improvement methods to increase the effectiveness of online and blended learning courses. She was instrumental in the development of the ITLS Bachelor of Science in Human Experience Design and Interaction (2020) and cowrote a funded Strategic Workforce Initiative grant to supply the new program with two additional faculty members.