Lawrence Culver, Ph.D.

History Department
Associate Professor

Field: History
Areas of Focus: American West History, U.S. Environmental History, U.S.-Mexico Borderlands History, Urban History


  • U.S. environmental history
  • U.S. cultural history
  • U.S. urban history
  • Climate history
  • U.S. West
  • Recreation and tourism
  • Urban planning and parks
  • U.S.-Mexico borderlands


Lawrence Culver is associate professor of history, specializing in the U.S.-Mexico Borderlands, American West, and environmental and urban history. His publications include The Frontier of Leisure: Southern California and the Shaping of Modern America (2010), “Seeing Climate through Culture” in Environmental History (April 2014), and “Confluences of Nature and Culture: Cities in Environmental History,” in The Oxford Handbook of Environmental History (2014). He has held research fellowships at the Rachel Carson Center at the University of Munich and the Huntington Library. His current book project is Manifest Disaster: Climate and the Making of America.