Marion Murray, M.S.

Biology Department
Associate Professor - Extension

Marion Murray

Field: Biology
Areas of Focus: Pest Management, Pest Models


  • Pests of Crops and Ornamentals
  • Pest Management Outreach
  • Pest Advisories
  • Weather-Related Pest Models
  • Pest Management Guides


Marion "Mair" Murray is a professional practice assistant professor with Utah State University Extension. Since 2006, she has managed the Extension Integrated Pest Management Program. Her primary mission is to deliver high quality and relevant outreach and research in sustainable plant pest management for growing fruits, vegetables, and landscape ornamentals. She oversees the Utah IPM Pest Advisory Service, which includes distribution of seasonal newsletters to over 13,000 subscribers, and develops online pest management tools through a collaboration with the Utah Climate Center. Professor Murray also manages the Utah IPM website, authors fact sheets and specialty crop production guides, and is passionate about helping producers profitably raise healthy crops.