Michelle Baker, Ph.D.

Biology Department

Michelle Baker

Field: Biology, Water Resources
Areas of Focus: Freshwater Ecology, Water Quality


  • Freshwater Ecology
  • Biogeochemistry
  • Water Quality


Dr. Michelle Baker is a professor in the Department of Biology, an associate of the Ecology Center, and the Interim Dean of the College of Science at Utah State University. Her research focuses on physical, chemical, and biological processes that affect water quality. Her work has taken her from the Jordan River in Salt Lake City to the Mara River in Kenya and many places in between. From 2014-2018, Dr. Baker led the multi-institutional iUTAH EPSCoR program aimed at strengthening science for Utah’s water future. She received the 2015 Governor’s Medal for Excellence in Science and Technology and the 2017 Days of ’47 Pioneers of Progress award for her contributions to water science in the state.