Tammy Rittenour, Ph.D.

Geosciences Department

Field: Earth Science
Areas of Focus: Ancient Climate, Climate Change, Geology, Geomorphology


  • Geomorphology
  • Quaternary geology
  • Luminescence dating
  • Paleoclimate research


Tammy Rittenour received her doctoral degree in 2004 from University of Nebraska, Lincoln, master's from University of Massachusetts, Amherst, and her bachelor's degree in Geology and Biology from the University of Minnesota, Morris.

Dr. Rittenour's research combines geomorphology, sedimentology/stratigraphy and geochronology to reconstruct past climate and landscape evolution from river, sand dune, glacial, and geoarchaeological records. She is the director of the USU Luminescence Lab and uses luminescence dating to provide age control for the deposits she studies.