Heidi Anderson

Math 3310 | Discrete Mathematics

Heidi Anderson

Contact Information

Office Location: ANSC 118
Email: heidi.anderson@usu.edu

Educational Background

Courses Completed
  • Math 1210 • Calculus I | Math 1220 • Calculus II
  • Math 2210 • Multivariable Calculus | Math 3310 • Discrete Math
  • Math 2270 • Linear Algebra | Math 2280 • Ordinary Differential Equations
  • Stat 3000 • Statistics for Scientists


Previous or Current Recitations
  • Math 1210 Recitation Leader • Fall 2023
  • Math 3310 Recitation Leader • Spring 2024


Heidi is currently a Math Education major at USU. Her favorite part of working at the AMLC is helping students understand and appreciate math. Heidi likes painting, music, math, the Sonoran desert, and a good expo marker.