
Thanks to the Ione Bennion Endowment, a limited number of modest scholarships are available for those enrolling for academic credit and a limited number of travel awards are available to help out-of-town participants with travel costs. Funds are awarded on a rolling basis, so please apply early.

Academic Scholarships
Scholarships in the amount of $500 towards tuition and fees are available for those enrolling for academic credit.

Students must be enrolled at Utah State University and taking the Bennion Teachers' Workshop for up to three academic credits during the summer semester.

Travel Awards
Travel Awards in the amount of $500 are available to help cover the cost of lodging and travel while attending the Bennion Teachers' Workshop for participants who live outside of Cache Valley.

Award recipients will be notified of their award before the start of the workshop. Awards will be paid after the workshop and are contingent on full attendance and participation in all five days of the workshop.

Awardees will need to sign up with PaymentWorks, USU's secure system for tax and payment information. Any taxes are the responsibility of the recipient.