Student FAQ Page

Completing My Evaluations

When can I complete the evaluations?

When the evaluation window opens, usually about 3 weeks before the last day of classes, students will receive emails with links to our course evaluation system (IDEA). The emails will have the subject line: "End of Semester IDEA Course Survey." You will receive one email for each class in which you are enrolled.

How do I complete the evaluations?

To complete the evaluation for your class(es), you will access your dashboard, which will take you to any active evaluation forms. In most mail programs, this should appear as a blue link which you can just click on. You will receive reminder emails every three days. Once you complete the evaluations, the reminders stop automatically.

Can I change an evaluation after I have submitted it?

Once an evaluation has been submitted it cannot be opened again, but you may save your progress and continue later as long as you have not yet submitted your response.

The evaluation deadline is past, is there a way I can still complete my ratings?

No, once the deadline has passed the evaluation cannot be opened again.

Are evaluations anonymous?

Yes. All responses are kept confidential. Your instructor will be provided a report summarizing the responses of your entire class, including all written comments. In your comments, please follow USU's Student Code of Conduct: All interactions shall be conducted with courtesy, civility, decency, and a concern for personal dignity.

Accessing Student Evaluation results

Where can I find the online tool that grants students access to student evaluation results?

Results of course evaluations are available to all students who participate in the process; to see these results for prior semesters, please go Course Evaluations.

Other Questions

How is the data collected through evaluations used?

Course evaluations are used to make improvements in course offerings, course content, and course delivery. Faculty use course evaluation results to make changes and improvements in their course materials and delivery, creating a better student experience.

I did not get an email for one of my courses, why?

Don't panic. There are some courses that will not be evaluated. If you don't receive an evaluation email for one of your classes, you can check in with your instructor, or with your department, to see why.