Center for Community Engagement Kickoff

August 20, 2021
volunteer fair booths

The Center for Community Engagement is where Aggies make a difference in their communities! Stop by our kickoff to learn about...

  • Utah Conservation Corps (field crews do conservation work in the wilderness, in communities, and in food security efforts)
  • Education Outreach (get hired as a mentor/tutor in local elementary and middle schools-- hourly wage with education award at the end)
  • Christensen Office of Social Action and Sustainability (find service opportunities in our communities, learn about our on-campus food pantry, and Alternative Breaks)
  • Community Engaged Learning (get credit for the community work you integrate into your academics)
  • Aggie Blue Bikes (rent a free bike, learn how to care for your own bike and have fun on a bike!)
  • Student Sustainability Office (interns help you implement your sustainable living ideas here on campus)
  • Utah Higher Education AmeriCorps Network

Grab a treat and learn what you can get involved in!