University Regulations Regarding Discrimination and Harassment

Portions of this Article have been amended to conform with updated Policies and Catalog

Students who feel they have been unfairly treated [in matters other than (i) student conduct (Article V above), (ii) academic integrity (Article VI above), or (iii) admission, residency, employment, traffic, and parking-which are addressed by procedures separate and independent from the Student Code] may file a grievance through the channels described below.

Additionally, academic grievances are handled by the process set forth in the General Catalog under Academic Grievances.

Where an occurrence or incident relating to a grievance could be processed either as a disciplinary action or grievance, it shall be processed as a discipline matter under Article V.
(This paragraph has been amended to comply USU Interim Policy 305: Discrimination based on Protected Characteristics, USU Interim Policy 339: Title IX Sexual Misconduct in an Employment or Educational Program or Activity, USU Interim Policy 339A: Non-Title IX Sexual Misconduct, and their associated procedures available, and USU Interim Policy Interim 541: Free Expression and Assembly.)

When a grievance proceeding is initiated by a student who is taking courses through University Extension, the procedures shall be substantially parallel to those below.

SECTION VII-1. Channels for Grievances

  1. For all academic grievances, the channel is:
    1. the instructor, or graduate supervisory committee if the grievance pertains to committee action;
    2. the academic department head;
    3. the dean of the college-for graduate students: the Dean of the School of Graduate Studies, who will consult and coordinate with the academic dean;
    4. Grievance Board;
    5. the Hearing Officer;
    6. the Provost; and
    7. the President of the University.

However, paragraph C., below, shall apply if the student asserts that items specified in Section VII.3.A., below, have affected the evaluation of the student's performance.

  1. For all nonacademic grievances, the channel is:
    1. the staff member or other person involved;
    2. the department head, or unit director;
    3. the appropriate dean, or the administrator to whom the unit director reports;
    4. the Grievance Board;
    5. the Hearing Officer;
    6. the Vice President for Student Affairs (where a decision of a Grievance Board may require enforcement by a vice president other than the Vice President for Student Affairs, the Vice President for Student Affairs shall consult and coordinate with the other vice president); and
    7. the President of the University.
  2. For all grievances relating to discrimination or to harassment, the channel is:
    1. at the option of the grievant, the instructor, the graduate supervisory committee, the staff member, or other person involved;
    2. at the option of the grievant, the department head or unit director;
    3. the Office of Equity Director in concert with the appropriate administrator mentioned in A.(3) or B.(3) above;
    4. the Grievance Board ; and
    5. the President of the University.

SECTION VII-2. Procedures for Grievances Not Relating to Discrimination or Harassment

  1. Students utilizing the grievance procedure (the “grievant”) shall begin the procedure no later than 120 days following the date of the act which is the basis for the grievance. Failure of the person against whom the grievance is made (the "respondent") to respond within the specified time, if any, at any level in the procedure will allow the grievant to proceed to the next step.
  2. At any time during the hearing/appeal process, the parties may resolve the matter by mutual agreement, thereby rendering further formal proceedings unnecessary. A written statement shall be prepared and filed with the appropriate dean/Vice President for Student Affairs.
  3. The matter shall be handled as follows:
    1. The aggrieved student must first confer with the instructor, graduate supervisory committee, the staff member, or other person involved in the grievance in an attempt to resolve the problem.
    2. Unresolved grievances shall be filed in writing (a grievance complaint) with the department head or unit director who shall, within 30 days from the date the grievance is filed, conduct an inquiry and attempt to resolve the matter impartially and as quickly as possible.
    3. If the grievance is not resolved at step 2, the grievant may forward a copy of the grievance complaint, together with all correspondence or related documents, to the dean, or other administrator. The dean or administrator shall conduct an informal inquiry within 30 days from the date the grievance complaint is received and shall attempt to resolve the grievance informally. If the dispute is not resolved informally, a hearing shall be conducted.
    4. The dean or administrator shall refer the matter to the Vice President for Student Affairs for a hearing before a Grievance Board. The Vice President for Student Affairs shall immediately notify the hearing board pool chair.
    5. When a matter is referred for a hearing, the hearing board pool chair shall (1) designate four students (which may include him or herself) and two faculty members from the pool to act as the Grievance Board to hear an academic grievance and (2) designate four students (which may include him or herself), one faculty member, and one professional staff employee from the pool to act as the Grievance Board to hear a nonacademic grievance. Grievance Boards shall be formed so as to give all pool members equal opportunity to serve, but a strict rotation is not required. The Grievance Board shall elect a faculty member to serve as a voting chair. All actions by the Grievance Board shall be by majority vote. Should the Grievance Board reach a split vote, the Board must deliberate until a majority is reached.
    6. The hearing shall be closed to the general public. Only the following individuals will be allowed into the hearing room: (1) Grievance Board members; (2) a University attorney, who shall act as advisor to the Grievance Board when needed; (3) the dean/administrator; (4) University law enforcement officers; (5) the parties involved-the grievant and the respondent; (6) the parties' advisors, if any; and (7) any witnesses. Witnesses will be present only at the time of their testimony and will not be permitted to hear the testimony of other witnesses. All persons present at the hearing shall treat the matters discussed therein as confidential.
    7. The parties involved have the procedural rights set forth in Section VIll-1., which include but are not limited to:
      1. challenge any member of the Grievance Board for bias in the case.
      2. be accompanied by an advisor of their own choice (i.e., parent, legal guardian, attorney, faculty member, USUSA student advocate, or other person). The advisor shall merely counsel the respective party and shall not be permitted to speak or participate directly in the hearing; provided that, if a party is incapacitated, an advisor (who is not an attorney) may directly assist.
      3. If a party is hearing impaired, an interpreter will be provided, where necessary, and the party may present his or her case through an interpreter or other communication device. If a party does not have adequate communication skills in the English language, a translator will be provided, where necessary, and the party may present his or her case through a translator.
      4. be notified in advance of the time, date, and location of the hearing. [Should any of the parties fail to attend, the hearing will be conducted without them.]
      5. make a statement, question witnesses, and examine the evidence against him or her.
    8. The Grievance Board members may ask questions of anyone in attendance.
    9. At the conclusion of the hearing, the Grievance Board shall deliberate in private, but may invite a University attorney into the deliberation session.
    10. Within two days after the completion of the hearing, the Grievance Board chair shall submit to the dean/administrator a written decision, including findings of fact and conclusions which serve as the basis for the decision. Copies of the written document shall be provided to all parties involved in the dispute.
    11. The decision may be appealed within the time provided in the next section.

SECTION VII-3. Procedures for Grievances Relating to Discrimination or Harassment

This third Section of Article 3 has been superseded by USU Interim Policy 305: Discrimination based on Protected Characteristics, USU Interim Policy 339: Title IX Sexual Misconduct in an Employment or Education Program or Activity, Interim University Policy 339A: Non-Title IX Sexual Misconduct, and their associated procedures.