Teaching & Learning

Della Mosley to Bring Antiracist Action Events to USU on April 12

By Rebecca Dixon |

Dr. Della Mosley will visit Utah State University virtually on April 12, 2022.

Dr. Della Mosley is visiting Utah State University on Tuesday, April 12, to lead two virtual events on cultural mindfulness and antiracist action.

Mosley, who is president of the WELLS Healing Center, co-founder of Academics for Black Survival and Wellness, co-founder of the Radical Healing Collaborative Group Practice, and American Psychological Association Minority Fellow, uses her skills and experience to conduct award-winning research and to counsel Black youth and queer and transgender people of color.

USU psychology professor Melanie Domenech Rodríguez was instrumental in bringing Dr. Mosley to Utah State.

“We want to create a space for folks who are disconnected to build connections with each other,” she said. “This includes undergraduate and graduate students, as well as staff and faculty members.”

During the morning colloquium, Increasing Our Critical Consciousness of Anti-Black Racism, Dr. Mosley will teach awareness of anti-Black racism through critical consciousness. Amand Hardiman, doctoral student in USU’s department of Human Development and Family Studies, explained that critical consciousness is being thoughtfully aware of the issues outside of our experience that are harmful to others.

“Once you are aware,” he said, “the next step is to take action to help alleviate the stress that this issue is causing.”

In her 9 a.m. address to the entire USU community, Mosley will explain racial trauma as it manifests for Black people in the United States, and she will offer practical approaches to antiracism and resistance, which can reduce negative racial trauma for Black people. Mosley will also provide guidance for individual paths forward toward antiracist actions.

USU sociology professor Christy Glass observed that “many in our community are committed to integrating anti-racist principles into our teaching, research and community engaged practices. Dr. Mosley's talk will elevate those efforts and provide guidance for pursuing justice and liberation in our work and in our lives.”

From 6-8 p.m., also on April 12, Mosley will conduct an evening workshop titled Radical Healing for Students of Color, which will be a sacred space specifically for students of color. She will facilitate group dialogue and personal planning centered around the five anchors of radical healing: critical consciousness, cultural authenticity and self-knowledge, emotional and social support, radical hope, and strength and resistance.

“There are almost no Black therapists in Logan, let alone in the state of Utah, to provide healing for the trauma and wounds that many Black graduate students and professionals endure at predominantly white institutions,” Hardiman said. “With her expertise and training in Black wellness and healing, I am excited that Dr. Mosley is coming to USU to raise awareness and increase allyship to support Black students, faculty and staff.”

Elizabeth Wong, psychology doctoral student, previously attended a workshop series that Mosley co-founded.

“I was moved by the deep curriculum and attention and care in guiding participants through difficult and necessary conversations about racial trauma on Black folks, and imagining what collective healing can look like together,” Wong said. “I think a number of students who have experienced racial trauma and discrimination can benefit from her expertise and cultivate hope and strength together.”

The university’s Statewide campuses are participating in these events. At USU Blanding, which has a majority of Native American students, Director of Student Services Priscilla Arungwa is excited for Mosley’s virtual visit to their campus. “Any opportunity to heal and move forward as individuals, despite challenges faced, is a powerful way to become the best person we were designed to be. We look forward to learning about ways to help ourselves and others see there is hope, strength and persistence in our personal and often unknown struggles.”

Register early for these Zoom events:

9-10 a.m. April 12

  • Open to all and will provide personalized pathways toward critical antiracist actions specific to the Black community. Register here.

6-8 p.m. April 12

  • A safe space specifically for students of color to facilitate group dialogue centered on the five anchors of radical healing. Register here.

These events are sponsored by:


Rebecca Dixon
Director, Public Relations and Marketing
Emma Eccles Jones College of Education and Human Services


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