Health & Wellness

USU Psychologists Release Self-Guided Mental Health Program

By Michael Levin |

Michael Levin

Psychologists at the Utah State University Sorenson Legacy Foundation Center for Clinical Excellence have launched ACT Guide, an online mental health program centered on acceptance and commitment therapy (ACT). ACT is an evidence-based treatment that has been found to be effective for a wide range of mental health concerns in over 300 clinical trials.

Michael Levin, the primary developer of ACT Guide, is an associate professor in the Department of Psychology at Utah State University and a leading ACT researcher. Levin’s work has focused on how to translate the skills that clients typically learn in traditional, therapist-guided ACT into an online self-help format so that people can learn at their own pace in the privacy of their homes.

After over a decade of clinical research on online ACT, Levin is excited to finally release the program to the public. 

“My goal is to provide our communities with widely accessible mental health resources that are not limited by many of the barriers people typically encounter when looking for help,” he said.

The program itself includes 12 self-guided sessions that can be completed on a computer or smartphone at the user’s convenience. Each session teaches a key acceptance, mindfulness or values-based skill designed to improve mental health and well-being. The program is available internationally, although currently it is only available in English and for adults who are 18 or older.

Those interested may purchase a six-month subscription to ACT Guide for $10, which directly supports the program’s hosting and development. To learn more, visit


Michael Levin
Professor and Director of Clinical Training
Department of Psychology


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