Campus Life

USU's Science Unwrapped Makes the Invisible, Visible Friday, April 20

University of Utah artist-biochemist Janet Iwasa presents 'Visualizing Molecular Processes' at Science Unwrapped Friday, April 20, at 7 p.m. in USU’s Eccles Science Learning Center Auditorium. Admission is free and all ages are welcome.

Can you picture how a strand of DNA winds and unwinds or how a virus punctures a healthy cell? How do scientists envision molecular and cellular processes invisible to the human eye?

The answer? They get some help from art.

Utah State University’s Science Unwrapped welcomes University of Utah biochemist and data visualization expert Janet Iwasa as featured speaker Friday, April 20. Iwasa, research assistant professor in the U’s Department of Biochemistry and the University of Utah School of Medicine, presents “Visualizations of Molecular Processes” at 7 p.m. in the Emert Auditorium, Room 130, of the Eccles Science Learning Center on USU’s Logan campus.

“This is an exciting talk about a compelling specialty in science communication,” says Nancy Huntly, professor in USU’s Department of Biology, director of the USU Ecology Center and Science Unwrapped chair. “Dr. Iwasa’s award-winning illustrations and animations have appeared in top scientific journals and in popular media.”

Hosted by USU’s College of Science, admission is free and all ages are welcome. Refreshments and hands-on learning activities conducted by USU students and faculty members, along with community groups, follow Iwasa’s talk.

The April 20 presentation is the final of four events in Science Unwrapped’s Spring 2018 “Science of Art” Series, celebrating USU’s “Year of the Arts.” Science Unwrapped celebrates its 10th anniversary during the 2018-2019 academic year and will soon announce its upcoming “Powers of 10” series.

For more information, call 435-797-3517, visit the Science Unwrapped website or view the ‘Science Unwrapped at USU’ Facebook page.  

Related Links:
“USU’s Science Unwrapped Announces Spring 2018 ‘Science of Art’ Series,” Utah State Today 
USU Year of the Arts 
USU College of Science 
Contact: Nancy Huntly, 435-797-2555,
Writer: Mary-Ann Muffoletto, 435-797-3517,

Science Unwrapped features hands-on learning activities all ages can enjoy together. All are invited Friday, April 20, at 7 p.m. in the Eccles Science Learning Center on campus. Admission is free.

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