Health & Wellness

USU to Host Weeklong Events Encouraging Positive Body Image and Intuitive Eating

By Marcus Jensen |

LOGAN, Utah — Utah State University Campus Recreation and Counseling and Psychological Services (CAPS) have partnered to hold a week of events called Powered by Your Body, held February 20-27, 2023. These events coincide with National Eating Disorder Awareness Week and will be focused on building awareness of resources that can combat eating disorders and encourage positive body image and intuitive eating.

“This week is really a week to celebrate all of our unique, individual bodies and the great things they allow us to do,” said Brooke Lister, a registered dietitian for campus recreation. “We are hoping to provide those who participate in our events with ways to flip the narrative on diet culture and provide resources on how to reconnect with their body, break unhealthy habits around food and movement, and overall boost self-esteem.”

Students are invited to celebrate their bodies and participate in a variety of activities that promote nutrition, mental health and physical activity. Organizers hope students take advantage of the courses and resources and don’t let stigma prevent them from learning more.

“We hope that students feel like their struggles are seen and that the university cares about issues related to disordered eating and body image distress, given that it is a pervasive and normalized issue that needs attention,” said Amanda Willett, outreach and prevention coordinator for CAPS. “We also hope that students take away tools to care for themselves, build resilience against diet culture, reduce harm they could be causing by accidentally reinforcing eating disorder and body image struggles, and start to have a new perspective on their and other people’s bodies.”

According to data compiled in USU’s bi-annual Healthy Minds Study– completed by students–, eating disorder behaviors have risen 18% since 2020 among students surveyed. Eating disorders are the second most deadly mental health disorder in the United States, with 9% of Americans reporting struggling with an eating disorder at some time in their lifetimes. These statistics prompted CAPS and Campus Recreation to decide to host these events, so students know what resources are available to them.

“There are so many amazing resources on campus if someone you know is struggling or if you are struggling yourself,” Lister said. “CAPS, Campus Recreation, and the Student Health and Wellness Center all have resources to help those struggling with body image and acceptance and/or eating disorders.”

For a complete list of events during Powered By Your Body week, visit For more information on available resources, visit

Body image is a common struggle. When behaviors become excessive, these struggles can turn into unhealthy patterns and eating disorders. If you or a student you know are experiencing overwhelming thoughts about body image, food, or movement, USU is here to support you. If you or someone you know is struggling with an eating disorder, contact CAPS at 435-797-1012 for assistance.

Powered By Your Body Week of Events (See schedule page for more details)

Tuesday, Feb. 21

Intuitive Eating Workshop

12-1 p.m. | LIB 154 | Zoom

This workshop will give you an introduction to Intuitive Eating and the 10 principles but also give you some practical skills to start working towards becoming an Intuitive Eater.

Tasty Tuesday

3-5 p.m. | ARC

Come try a sample of a delicious snack and get the recipe to make it yourself! New recipes are featured weekly so it is never the same.

What are Eating Disorders? Workshop

4-5 p.m. | Lib 154 | Zoom

This workshop will explore signs, symptoms, and causes of eating disorders, options for seeking care, and how you can support someone going through an eating disorder.

Wednesday, Feb. 22

Affirmation Table and Donuts

11 a.m.-1 p.m. | ARC & Library Pop-up Gallery

The affirmation tables will have post-it notes and markers for students to decorate post-it notes with affirmation messages to pass out to others and post around campus.


7:30-8:30 p.m. | ARC MAC Gym 108

HIGH transforms old-school aerobics into a highly catchy new fitness experience.

Thursday, Feb. 23

Body Acceptance Workshop

12-1 p.m. | LIB 154 | Zoom

In this workshop, we will explore what body image distress and body acceptance is and tools to help you move towards a place of body acceptance.

The Illusionists Documentary Screening + Panel Discussion

5:30-8 p.m. | LIB 154

The documentary will be screened from 5:30-7pm. From 7-8pm, a panel of experts in various fields that the documentary touches on will discuss their thoughts on the documentary and will answer questions from the audience.

Intuitive Movement Class

4-5 p.m. | ARC Loft (3rd floor)

This class will be a hybrid of a movement class and a workshop; you will engage in an exercise class, while learning and practicing intuitive movement skills to build a healthier relationship between you, your body, and movement.

Barre & Color

8-9 p.m. | HPER 215

The circuit training approach will help you get more acquainted with your body using a combination of stretching, body weight movements, resistance bands, and free weights.

Friday, Feb. 24

Male Body Positivity Classes

10-11 a.m. & 1-2 p.m. | ARC 120

This class will cover the common areas in which males struggle with body image and how you can start to overcome these thoughts.

Debunking Diet Culture Workshop

11 a.m.-12 p.m. | LIB 154 | Zoom

This workshop will explore the harmful effects of diet culture, debunk the myths it tells us about our food and bodies, and how to take of ourselves in a world surrounded with diet culture.

Cardio Kickboxing

6-7 p.m. | ARC MAC Gym 108

Cardio Kickboxing is a mashup of traditional kickboxing moves at a fast pace.


Marcus Jensen
News Coordinator
University Marketing and Communications


Amanda Willett
Outreach and Prevention Coordinator
Counseling and Psychological Services


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