Current Writing Fellows

Training & Orientation

Writing Fellows enroll in CHSS 4900, a two-credit course held once weekly during the fall semester of the first semester they work as a WF. WFs cannot be concurrently enrolled in the class in which they are working as a WF. If WFs want to earn a third credit of internship, they can sign up for one more credit during the spring semester by registering with Shanan Ballam in the English department.


  • WFs must enroll in the two-credit fall seminar the first semester they begin tutoring.
  • WFs meet with the professor of the course they will be working with the first week of the semester.
  • WFs are assigned to work with 15 students on their writing.
  • Students in a course where the professor has elected to use WFs are required to meet with the WF on at least two assignments (no more than three) during the semester.
  • Once the meeting is completed students can revise their assignment before turning it in to the professor for a grade.
    The average time commitment to work as a WF is 50 hours a semester. WFs must maintain a minimum 3.2 GPA.


Minimum compensation for working as a WF is $750 per semester. Optional opportunities for working in two classes occasionally arise, in which case compensation is doubled.