Donate to USU Student Media

USU Student Media invites alumni and friends to consider contributing through donations. USU Student Media seeks funds in order to purchase equipment, provide training, supplement traveling costs, and to better pay our student staff. All funds go directly to USU Student Media.

Donation Amount Benefits
$10 Receive Student Media swag (e.g. stress balls, pens)
$25 Aggie Radio t-shirt
$50 Complimentary invitation to annual awards banquet
$100 Mailed subscription to The Utah Statesman
$150 Athletic tickets,
Mailed subscription to The Utah Statesman,
Aggie Radio t-shirt,
Complimentary invitation to the annual awards banquet,
Student Media swag


How to Give

Student Media

Credit, Debit, PayPal, Venmo or Bank Transfer

Utah State University
USU Student Media
1590 Old Main Hill
Logan, UT 84322-1590

Make checks payable to "Utah State University."


Stock or Wire Transfer:
Contact USU Gift Processing at 435-797-0014 or for instructions.