Faculty Involvement

What do CAS program faculty do & what departments do they call home?

Mentorship, Networking, & Teaching

We encourage faculty to join our education and research activities. Faculty are encouraged to discuss their research and serve as mentors for trainee research groups in the Interdisciplinary Research Colloquium and Studio, to suggest new internship partners and opportunities, to join with other faculty to develop new integrative Climate Adaptation research, to enhance the curriculum by offering courses that are of interest to trainees as well as other USU graduate students, to attend our twice-per-year Science Policy Management Exchange(s), to volunteer to speak with CAS trainees about their research, and to present on professional skills or new/useful methods.

If you are interested in joining the CAS program faculty, or are mentoring a student interested in the CAS program, please feel free to contact Thad Nicholls.

Participating Departments

The Climate Adaptation Science specialization is open to MS and PhD students from degree programs at USU that offer the specialization. These include: