Section 34: Records

34.0 Records

All procurement records shall be retained and disposed of in accordance with Title 63G, Chapter 2, Government Records Access and Management Act.

  1. Written determinations required by this chapter shall be retained in the appropriate official contract file of Utah State University.
  2. Utah State University shall keep, and make available to the public, upon request, written records of procurements for which an expenditure of $50 or more is made, for the longer of:
    1. Five years;
    2. Until an open contract is closed;
    3. Federal audits are complete;
    4. The time otherwise required by law; or
    5. The time period provided by rule made by the applicable rulemaking authority.
  3. The written record described in this section shall include:
    1. The name of the provider from whom the procurement was made;
    2. A description of the procurement item;
    3. The date of the procurement; and
    4. The expenditure made for the procurement.

34.1 Records of Contracts Made -- Audits -- Contract Requirements 

  1. The Vice President for Business and Finance, the Director of Purchasing and Contract Services, shall maintain a record of all contracts made in accordance with Title 63G 6a - 408, 6a - 802, 6a – 803 and Chapter 2, Government Records Access and Management Act.  The record shall contain each contractor's name, the amount and type of each contract, and a listing of the procurement items to which the contract relates.